“Maintaining Liver Health: Tips, Foods and Natural Remedies”

2023-04-20 22:59:26

modern life

It is recommended, before carrying out any natural treatment, to consult with a health professional.


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) mentions that the liver is an organ whose function is “to clean the blood and help digestion by secreting bile.”

The US National Library of Medicine (MedlinePlus) also notes that other persistent symptoms are “changes in the color of stool and urine, and yellowing of the skin and eyes or jaundice.”

However, the idea of ​​cleansing the liver with different practices has gained popularity; however, better with health assures that it is an organ that can be detoxified by itself, but what happens is that, perhaps, the accumulation of fat and toxins prevent its proper functioning.

For this reason, he advises carrying out the following tips to prevent this organ from getting sick and rather to seek its well-being, such as:

“Foods that contain fiber may also provide other health benefits, such as helping to maintain a healthy weight and reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer,” the Mayo Clinic adds in one of its reports.

  • It also suggests incorporating into a diet plan products rich in unsaturated fats such as nuts, since they are usually composed of omega-3, which according to the NCI “participates in immune function”.

Inclusive better with health highlights its hepatotective properties, reducing the risk of diseases such as cirrhosis, which, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, prevents its normal functioning, because the liver is scarred and worsens its condition.

  • To the list of tips to maintain liver health ensures that enough water should be consumed, a favorite drink to combat constipation, and also functional for the liver and its filtration process.

And within these good habits it is important to point out the consumption of fruits and vegetables, where spinach and beets stand out, which according to Sports worldare useful when it comes to cleansing the liver.

By having antioxidants -which eliminate free radicals that deteriorate the cells of the body-, spinach contributes to the protection of the brain and all its chemical processes. Also in cleansing the liver.

According to an article published by better with healthwritten by Elisa Morales, the folate contained in this plant contributes to the prevention of the onset of Alzheimer’s, which does not mean that it eliminates the chances of developing cognitive impairment, but rather reduces them.

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According to the portal, Sports world, Beetroot is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, which also helps detoxify the liver and promote its functions.

Hence, it fights or prevents anemia, because it is composed of iron and vitamin C. The first reduces the risk of this condition, and the second helps in its absorption.

It is even known to regulate blood pressure because the consumption of beets allows the relaxation of the walls of the blood vesselscollaborating with a good flow and blood pressure.

Therefore, Sports world suggests eating spinach and beets raw, avoiding cooking them because some of their nutrients are lost. And if it is not possible, these foods in drinks are ideal to purify the liver, according to what he mentions.

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