“Early Detection Matters: A Guide to Lung Cancer Screening and Treatment”

2023-04-19 20:30:27

lung cancer

According to the Hong Kong Cancer Statistics Center of the Hospital Authority, lung cancer is the most common cancer with the highest death toll in 2020, resulting in 3,910 deaths. Most of the fatal causes of cancer are discovered too late. If high-risk individuals can be detected early through lung cancer screening and treated with surgery, the chances of a radical cure will be greatly improved.

Recent studies have found that the incidence of lung cancer is on the rise, regardless of whether they are younger than 40 years old, female or non-smokers. Cardiothoracic and pulmonary surgery specialist Situ Dalin said, “If you have a family history, are over 45 years old, and have smoked 20 packs Years, exposure to carcinogens at work, long-term exposure to second-hand smoke or kitchen fume will greatly increase the risk of lung cancer.”


lung cancer

Symptoms are late

Lung cancer can be divided into four stages according to the size of the tumor, whether it has invaded the lymph nodes, affected both lungs, or even metastasized to other organs. Among the new lung cancer cases in 2020, as many as 58.5% were diagnosed in the fourth stage, making the treatment easier difficulty. Situ Dalin pointed out, “Lung cancer is not without a cure. If the lesion can be detected early and surgically removed, the cure rate can be as high as 90%. It is worth noting that when the patient has persistent cough, phlegm, wheezing, cough When there are symptoms such as blood, most of them are already at an advanced stage; in addition, even if there are no high-risk factors, it does not mean that you will not get lung cancer.”

low dose computer scan

One of the screening methods that can detect early lung cancer is low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), which uses a lower radiation dose than traditional computer scans (lower than the total annual dose absorbed from the environment) to clearly see the lungs. Whether there is any abnormality in the department. Studies in Europe and the United States have found that LDCT can find more lung cancer cases and at the same time reduce the mortality rate of lung cancer. Situ Dalin added, “If the lungs are found to have shadows in LDCT, further tests such as biopsy will be performed to determine whether they have lung cancer.”


lung cancer

Patient’s family members should check regularly

Earlier, the Cancer Information Network Charitable Foundation held the “Phase 1 Lung Cancer Screening Program” to provide free LDCT for high-risk individuals with family history, and a specialist doctor to provide an assessment before and following the examination. A total of 100 people benefited. As a result, 7 of them were diagnosed with cancer following further examinations, and they belonged to the first to third stages respectively. Among them, 6 patients have completed the operation and 1 needs drug treatment. Fong Ka-yee, chairman of the Charity Foundation, said, “If citizens have the ability, especially the families of lung cancer patients, they may wish to have regular physical examinations, which can save their lives at any time.”

Radical cure following surgery

One of the participants in the program, Ann, is a non-smoker herself, but has two immediate family members with lung cancer, so she joined the screening program as soon as she knew regarding the screening program. Suspicious shadows were found following LDCT examination. It was recommended to be admitted to the hospital for further examination. Finally, it was found to be the first stage of lung cancer. Radical tumor resection was performed, and he recovered without any auxiliary or postoperative treatment. Ann is extremely grateful and grateful for the early detection and treatment of lung cancer by participating in the project. Szeto Darlin believes that the effectiveness of this screening program is similar to the results of studies in other regions, and it will help the health of Hong Kong citizens. He hopes that the government and all sectors of society will pay more attention to it.

Originally published on AM730 https://www.am730.com.hk/Health/Cancer/Lung Cancer Screening – Early detection can lead to a cure/372448?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral

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