“The Magic of Burdock: Lowering Blood Pressure, Improving Goiter, and More!”

2023-04-20 22:00:00


Burdock tea can lower blood pressure and improve goiter!Image source / Health and Medical Network

Burdock is rich in nutrients and is a holy product for health care. It enjoys the reputation of “the king of vegetables”. It can be eaten as a vegetable at ordinary times. Especially from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, making burdock tea by itself can also lower blood sugar, blood lipids, and blood sugar. Blood pressure, and the effects of improving goiter, etc., are addictive!

Traditional Chinese medicine sees the effects of burdock: helping defecation, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood fat, and lowering blood pressure

According to traditional Chinese medicine, burdock is a medicinal and edible plant. Its root has a unique aroma and rich taste. The crude fiber it contains can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine and help defecation. It also helps to lower cholesterol in the body, reduce the accumulation of toxins and waste in the body, and remove impurities in the body, thereby improving blood vessel blockage and preventing cardiovascular diseases. And it has the effect of treating metabolic diseases, such as: lowering blood sugar, lowering blood fat, and lowering blood pressure.

In the clinical use of traditional Chinese medicine, burdock has the functions of dispelling wind and dissipating heat, clearing the lungs and clearing rashes, detoxifying and sore throat. It can be used for anemopyretic cold, cough with excessive phlegm, measles rubella, sore throat. “Bielu of Famous Doctors” said that burdock is “long-term service, committing suicide and resisting old age”. “Compendium of Materia Medica” also contains in detail: “burdock connects the twelve meridians, eliminates the evil spirits of the five internal organs, and long-term use can lighten the body and resist aging.” It shows that burdock has good effects on the maintenance of the five internal organs, the smoothness of the meridians, and anti-aging.

Burdock Tea Treats Goiter, Helps Weight Loss, Anti-Inflammation

The effect of burdock is not limited to this, brewing burdock tea for drinking has many magical effects! Zhou Zonghan, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, said that burdock tea is often used clinically to treat goiter. Wash and peel the burdock root, take an appropriate amount, and decoct it in water. Goiter is caused by compensatory hypertrophy of the thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency or relative insufficiency of thyroid hormone secretion. Usually there is no other systemic symptoms except goiter, and it is more common in women aged 20 to 40. Usually the onset is slow, the thyroid gland is soft and smooth in the early stage, and hard in the late stage, often accompanied by nodules of various sizes, which can compress the trachea and esophagus. It is called “gall disease” in traditional Chinese medicine.

Burdock root tea can soothe liver qi and stabilize mood. It also has anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation effects. It may improve simple thyroid swelling. Overall, drinking burdock root tea for a long time will not cause much harm to the human body.

In addition to treating chronic diseases, burdock is often one of the key points for weight loss. Because it is rich in dietary fiber, it can effectively reduce the accumulation of fat in the body and accelerate the speed of fat decomposition. It not only lowers cholesterol, promotes heart health, but also helps laxative ,excretion. In particular, it is very effective for weight loss when combined with Danshen and Alisma.

People with burdock cold and stomach deficiency should not eat more burdock, potassium and phosphorus intake should not be excessive

However, eating burdock should not be excessive. It is recorded in “Compendium of Materia Medica” that although burdock has the reputation of “can be eaten as a vegetable and lighten the body”, its nature is always bitter and cold. In the hot summer, it can be eaten between main dishes, or As a tea drink, it clears away heat and dampness and appetizers. For friends with weak intestines and stomach, eating too much can easily cause abdominal distension,Burdock is cold in nature, eating too much may cause diarrhea. Because of its crude fiber may also cause indigestion,People with severe decline in gastrointestinal function are not suitable for a diet with too rough fiber. And if the potassium and phosphorus in burdock are taken too much, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, so,Patients with diabetic nephropathy or kidney disease should not take burdock root tea as a daily health tea. It is recommended that the burdock should be eaten cooked. In terms of cooking method, shred it more, or make soup. It is recommended that the total food intake of each meal should not be too much. When cooking, other ingredients can be mixed to reduce the amount of each bite.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners recommend cold burdock and lotus root shreds to lower blood fat

In addition, TCM doctor Zhou Zonghan recommends shredded burdock and lotus root cold salad, which can exert the effect of 1 plus 1 greater than 2 for lowering blood fat and protecting cardiovascular system! Lotus root is cold in nature and can clear away heat and reduce brain pressure. Raw lotus root and burdock juice can help protect brain tissue. The lotus root is broken, and its colloid also helps to stabilize and prevent the embrittlement of the blood vessels in the brain, which is especially suitable for consumption in summer. It should be noted that if the body is cold, the spleen is weak, the stomach is cold, and people are prone to diarrhea, it is not suitable to eat raw lotus root and burdock. It is advisable to cook the lotus root and burdock. The nature changes from cold to warm. Soothe the nerves and strengthen the brain.

【Stewed Pork Ribs with Burdock and Lotus Root】

Ingredients: burdock 100g, lotus root 200g, short ribs 200g, garlic 10, green onion 50g, a small amount of dried squid.

Seasoning: 1 tsp of pepper, 1 tbsp of rice wine.


1. Shred the burdock, cut the lotus root into thin slices, cut the dried squid into thick strips, blanch and wash the short ribs and set aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan, deep-fry the sliced ​​dried squid until fragrant, then remove and set aside.

3. Heat boiling water, add lotus root and boil until the water boils, then add dried squid and short ribs and boil for 20 minutes.

4. Add garlic and continue to boil for 10 minutes, add rice wine, green onion, pepper and cook until the taste is harmonious, and the residue can be filtered out.

Stewed pork ribs with burdock and lotus root is very suitable for the health care of cardiovascular and brain blood vessels. Burdock removes impurities in the blood, lotus root improves brittle blood vessels, and ribs are suitable for cold tonic in summer and can be taken as soup.

【Extended reading】

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(Editor in charge: Ye Zicen)

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