Viha­soo kü­la pil­lip­ral­let pee­ti 12. kor­da

2023-04-20 07:00:55

KADRI VOORAND, a regular performer of Piliplarde, and MARTEN KUNINGAS, who made his debut, on the stage of the Vihasoo public house. Photo by Mati Vesman

For the first time, MARTEN KUNINGAS settled in the village of Vihasoo on the stage and played music with KADRI VOORANDI.

The main organizer, national piper, wind instrument player Kert Krüsban said that Vihasoo’s 12th brass band had been announced and the posters were out in 2020, when the whole world went into lockdown due to the corona virus and the party was cancelled. It happened three years later – last Saturday, April 15.

“Pillipralle is such a self-flowing party. Those who wanted to perform, signed up in the lobby of the community center. No formal invitations were sent, but it was mentioned and whoever wanted to, came. There was no set order, whoever was able to go on stage went to the stage. And as usual, with this party, it seems that the Vihasoo public house is made of rubber – everyone can somehow fit. You sit at the tables, you change places, and there were small bar tables in the lobby where you might talk,” he described.

Kert Krüsban answered the question whether there will also be a 13th instrument prank. “Why not come? The tenth piper was outside the public house, the previous one was inside the house once more, now also. The indoor party seems to be working well. It’s nice that there is little space and a lot of people.”

The party was opened by Uku Trolla, a resident of Vihasoo village and a student of Loksa high school, who performed six accordion pieces. Among the quite new performers on the stage were mandolin player Randmar Tuulemäe from Tapal, who has participated in Kert Krüsban’s ensemble Tuulebant. Kert Krüsban played the bellows with Uku Zolgo, a student of the Mooste Folk Music School. Traditionally, the performers included the folk musicians of Lahemaa and the local ensemble VVV, which has been dancing since the very first folk dance. The legendary musical family of the village – the Nurmsalu family band – was warmly welcomed.

Lauri Metus and the youth ensemble Maiks also performed from Loksa. Enn Eeriksoo from Joaveski brought the Rakvere ensemble Aero to make music. The surprise performers were Marten Kuningas with two songs and Kadri Voorand with the roots of Kasispea and also Vihasoo. Regarding his cousin Kadri Voorandi, Kert Krüsban said that he too has probably taken part in all the instrument pranks, or at least has gotten there in the end every time.

Starting to perform, Marten Kuningas said that he moved to the village of Vihasoo when the disease started, and that this is his debut – the first music festival he takes part in. The first performance was Marten Kuninga’s new song “Like a Fool”, and secondly, they performed a song composed by Kadri Voorand regarding what he loves most – swimming and sauna.

The official part of the party ended with the Haljala band Bullyband, in which Kert Krüsban played keyboards. He said that he has performed with Bullyband before, and bass guitarist Enver Lani is also a member of Tuulebant.

The sound man at the party was Aivar Jürimets, the sound technical support was Tuulebant violinist Karl Kobin and bass guitarist Enver Lani. Apart from Kert Krüsban, the organizing team also included the board of the NGO Vihasoo Culture Society: Kaidi Kesküll, Rauno Arulo and Mihkel Allemann.

The music festival also ended with a jam, which means that everyone who might and wanted to was on stage playing music together for a couple of hours.

#Vihasoo #küla #pilliprallet #peeti #korda



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