The Unimaginable Harassment of Nurse Tiffany Dover: The Impact of Anti-Vaccination Conspiracy Theories on Real Lives in 2021

2023-04-20 13:52:56

In 2020, anti-vaccinationists from all over the world used a seizure by Tennessee nurse Tiffany Dover following her Covid-19 vaccination as an opportunity to conjure up the wildest conspiracy tales. For the last few years, they have made life hell for the nurse, who, mind you, suffered a so-called dizzy spell due to personal medical conditions. She was even declared dead by some sworn followers. Proofs? Of course none. More than two years later, at the beginning of April, Tiffany Dover now comes to the press and wants to clear up the lies regarding her person once and for all.

Imagine that it is actually a super good day in your life: you receive a public gift that is not only useful, but also helps you to protect your health and your life. At the end of your happy day, however, it turns out that a hateful mob on the Internet will make your life hell from now on, precisely because of this gift. If some of you now think why we make up such fairy tales when the folk snitch is supposed to expose conspiracies, we have to disappoint you: This story is real. And happened one to one to a US nurse in late 2020 in real life.

This woman is alive and well – That’s why anti-vaccination hates her

If you’ve been following us for a while, you might remember the fact check we published on the story of Tiffany Dover, the Tennessee nurse, back in late 2020:

Tiffany Dover was among the first people in the US to receive the vaccine once morest Covid. That was back in December 2020, the pandemic was hitting, hospitals were full and mortality was high. Never before in US history have died in one year more people than 2020! Main cause: Covid. As soon as the first vaccinations were carried out, the media interest was of course enormous. Vaccination opponents were also at the start.

So it’s December 2020 and Tiffany was supposed to receive the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine with some other colleagues from her hospital at the time. Of course she had one stressful day, the Covid-19 intensive care units were full and she mightn’t eat a proper lunch. So it happened that following the administration of the vaccine and in front of the camera – many media reported – she collapsed and suffered a dizzy spell. However, she never lost consciousness, as many swearers later claimed. Minutes later she was fine once more and she might even do that Press to answer questions. In the interviews, she emphasized that she regularly suffers from dizzy spells, which she has already noticed with many vaccinations. From a medical point of view, Feelings of faintness or fainting, while rare, are not particularly unusual or worrisome following vaccinations. Some organisms simply respond to the pinpoint pain that occurs at the puncture site. Sometimes fear of needles can also be behind the phenomenon.

Sworn hatred of tiffany dover – perfidious and creative

Anti-vaccination activists from around the world took Tiffany’s story as an opportunity to make outrageous lies, conspiracy theories and flat-out claims. Tiffany’s breakdown ging instant viral – unfortunately it is true that a picture in the circle of conspiracy supporters says more than 1000 words.

We can’t capture all the myths that are circulating regarding Tiffany Dover at this point, but we didn’t want to withhold a selection of the strangest from you. It would be almost amusing how outlandish many of these lies are – if they weren’t so dangerous, in the truest sense of the word.

Of course, following Tiffany’s speedy recovery, many in the global slob circle refused to admit that her collapse wasn’t due to the vaccine, but was a harmless side effect. As well, you would have to ADMIT that your whole Corona house of lies would collapse! Accordingly, they assume that Tiffany and a colleague who looks like her are part of one Cover-Up Action to be. Tiffany died from the corona vaccination and her colleague would now cover for her and pretend to be her double – in an official video statement from the hospital where the two worked. Sounds as absurd as it is. She and her family have also been threatened, pressured, even over all sorts of social media platforms Death certificates circulated in the Schurbler madness!

Websites were created for them and one particularly avid slobbery rapper from Italy wrote one Song regarding you!


It’s not the first time that the anti-vaccination community has denied that people they pronounced dead are alive and well. The case went viral, for example by NFL player Damar Hamlin. You can find background information here:

It is clear that Tiffany has lived in hell since the vaccination campaign, and not BECAUSE of it, but DESPITE the vaccination. For a long time she did not go public to clear up the lies regarding her person. Probably also because of pressure from their employer.

Statement by Tiffany Dover makes it clear how unreasonable the actions of those opposed to vaccination are

Tiffany Dover’s message to the world is short and powerful:

“I’m fine and alive.”

Actually really sad that such a banal message, which is obvious and undoubtedly true, is still not identified as truth by some people. Some have gotten so deep into the conspiracy morass that not even the most obvious evidence can stop them from continuing to lie.

Im Video interview with the US broadcaster NBC News the nurse describes the hell she had to live through following the vaccination campaign.

“I didn’t die that day – but the life I knew.”

A purely psychological hell, mind you, caused by a global wave of lateral thinkers. After all, the vaccination ensured that Tiffany Dover massively reduced her personal risk of dying from the disease. Vaccination saved the lives of 20 million people and was instrumental in contain the pandemic. Incidentally, the current state of science will continue to confirm how safe the vaccinations will be in 2023:

Just a bunch of weirdos that have no range anyway? Unfortunately, no

If you now say following Tiffany’s story, okay, these were just a few isolated cases of lateral thinkers who attracted attention as extremists – but that doesn’t have to mean anything, right? Then we have to disappoint you. Participatory desinformation, i.e. the targeted spreading of disinformation, in the creation and communication of which many people participate in an organized manner, has become an extreme problem since the beginning of the pandemic. The cases of Tiffany and also the NFL player Hamlin show how destructive such a collective disinformation strategy can be. Many opponents of vaccination would literally rather see people dead than have to question their ideology. A sad example of this is the gas station murder in Idar-Oberstein, which then caused violence among lateral thinkers to skyrocket.

Folks, turn on your brain as soon as lateral thinkers tell you fairy tales and want to use you for their purposes. Sure, we like to laugh at their most absurd fails and many think they are crackpots. But their disinformation, their hatred and their hate speech have real repercussions. Unfortunately, Tiffany’s story is just one example of how manipulative and dangerous anti-vaccination conspiracy stories are and the impact they have on the lives of those affected, forever.

A year ago, it was also evident how unimaginably great the hatred from the lateral thinking movement is. Back then, lateral thinkers celebrated the planned kidnapping of Karl Lauterbach and the violent overthrow:

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#Lateral #thinkers #nurse #Tiffany #Dover #dead



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