Togo: “Kara is thirsty, forgive! Water…”, the cry of distress of a citizen

2023-04-19 14:17:52

Photo: DR

Kara, a town located more than 400 km from the capital Lomé, is known for its beautiful mountainous landscapes and its unique cultural diversity which attracts crowds in July to follow the Evala initiation rites. City of the President of the Republic, Kara is experiencing a development that goes at its own pace that can be analyzed in various ways. A dynamic youth ready to work and show all his talent, but like most of the youth of Togo is confronted with the problems of openings of opportunities. Beyond this evil which is common to all the cities of Togo but not only, because it is the whole of Africa which faces it, Kara has a serious problem and which persists. That of lack of water. This element which is considered as life is lacking in this city and this is most sickening when we know that this city once wanted to be erected as the political capital of Togo. What exactly is the problem?

Water scarcity describes a growing lack of access to water. There are two types of water scarcity: economic and physical. Economic scarcity refers to the inaccessibility of water due to institutional failures, including lack of planning, investment and infrastructure. Physical type scarcity is a consequence of climate change and includes droughts and changes in weather patterns.

If global warming is a global scourge that affects all countries, all cities in the world and Togo is no exception, the case of Kara responds much more to the first category, that of economic shortage. Indeed, there is a crying lack of infrastructure investment policy to provide this locality with hydraulic dams. The authorities have not put in place planning policies to deal with the population explosion in the years to come. They were satisfied with the infrastructures of the 70s to always continue to serve the population with drinking water. While during this time the population grows and Kara also expands, it takes hookups.

It should be noted that in 2010, the population of this city was estimated at just over 700,000 inhabitants, while in 2022 it is estimated at over 900,000 according to the last census. Several new neighborhoods have emerged, but the urbanization policy has not followed. Leaving the people to their sad fate.

Kara is pitiful on this point, yes, because in order to be able to give water to all, the TDE manages by rotation. It serves the neighborhoods with drinking water on a rotational basis so that everyone can stock up. Unimaginable in the middle of the 21st century to experience this circus. The bad thing is that some neighborhoods have gone months without having a drop of water in their tap. The height is that households are still obliged to pay 2,700 CFA francs per month to the TDE for the maintenance of the meter. What maintenance, while households have not had water for months.

In Kara, the rare few who have boreholes take it easy, because they sell water and the crowds are getting bigger and bigger. It is sad to see women, of a certain age, carrying basins at 5 am going to boreholes to find water. It is inadmissible. Inadmissible for the city of the Head of State to experience this ordeal.

Decentralization has made it possible to have municipalities and these must address pressing issues such as the case of Kara in order to find a rapid solution to this problem of lack of water in Kara. It is regarding the very honor of the nation and a renewal of belonging of all these executives of the Kara region to restore the image. Always without resentment.

*No Grudge* _(Kara’s back)_

Source: Liberty /

#Togo #Kara #thirsty #forgive #Water #cry #distress #citizen



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