“Pope Francis’ Message of Unity and Inclusion for the 2024 Olympic Games in France”

2023-04-19 09:39:50

In a letter signed by Cardinal Parolin and sent to French Catholics, the Pope wished that the 2024 Olympic Games in France would be an opportunity for dialogue among peoples.

(Vatican News Network)The next Olympic Games will be held in France in the summer of 2024. On April 18, Pope Francis wrote in a letter signed by Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, to “dear friends, French Catholics”, wishing that this Olympic Games will be a “belonging to different opportunities for in-depth and fruitful encounters between people of all nationalities, cultures and religions.”

In his letter, the Pope referred to the “joy” and “responsibility” of welcoming people from all over the world when the Olympic Games are held. To this end, the Pope invites all to “widespread” mobilization and calls on them to “become volunteers”, open their churches, schools and homes, and above all open their hearts. “Through your gratuitous and generous hospitality and offerings, you will bear witness to the Christ who lives in you and communicates to you his joy,” the letter reads.

The Pope thanked everyone and prayed that this “beautiful gathering of sports” will not forget to “help those who are disabled, poor and abandoned” to be included in the Games. He also wished that “through sport, the Olympic Games will be an opportunity to promote the brotherhood that the world so desperately needs”. Finally, the Pope blessed all Olympic organizers, volunteers, and all those who participated in the competition.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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