2023-04-19 13:22:15
That European unity is slightly disturbed is nothing new. But now grain disturbs the unity. I think there’s something I don’t understand. I always thought that consumer prices for bread and flour and everything that uses grain are so high because Ukraine no longer supplies grain, or too little, or whatever. And now Ukraine is delivering grain following all!
Look here, and all of a sudden you don’t want it because it ruins the prices and the farmers affected are crying out for help. I’m now really wondering how important grain production in Ukraine is for Europe and what the price increases for grain-related products are all regarding. Even in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia… food prices have risen sharply. That would be the opportunity to get the prices down once more for the consumer by using a mixed price. Or is the grain from Ukraine only intended for world hunger? Or for the world market, the stock exchanges or whatever. I can’t imagine that nobody needs it now. Or will European citizens be lied to to the letter. In any case, this article (SN of April 19) is very disturbing to me.
Lydia Forster, 5400 Hallein
#Ukrainian #grain #disrupts #Europes #unity