5 tips to prevent respiratory problems in dogs and cats

2023-04-19 10:00:00

Temperature changes sometimes give rise to different diseases in pets, since the defense system can be more fragile and the probability of any virus or bacteria entering the body increases, causing a series of respiratory problems and other conditions that put their quality of life at risk, for this reason it is recommended to follow certain tips to protect them effectively. Coughing, impaired breathing, runny nose, redness and intolerance to exercise are some of the symptoms that pets can present with the change in climate.

Although they can appear at any time of the year, due to low temperatures dogs can increase the probability of suffering from respiratory diseases such as: distemper, kennel cough and asthma, feline respiratory disease, as well as frequently due to cold air suffer from laryngitis, pharyngitis and even lung conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Other systems or devices that can be affected by low temperature and high humidity are the osteoarticular and skin.

“The lungs are not the only ones affected, in general what can happen with the change in temperature is that it costs more to heat and humidify the air, it generates dryness, inflammation, alteration of the mechanisms for the expulsion of particles and microorganisms from these organs, in addition of modifications that the alveolar fluid can undergo. explained Candela Bonaura, Vitalcan Technical Advisor.

Some of the symptoms that can occur during a respiratory problem in a pet are: coughing, impaired breathing, secretions, reddening of the affected areas, intolerance to exercise, general malaise, fever, weakness, lack of appetite or sometimes if it is not serious to go unnoticed, explained the professional

Forms of prevention before the arrival of autumn weather:

1 Vaccinations and health status up to date and complete

2 Good nutrition is always the best ally to prevent multiple diseases and promote the health of pets.

3 Avoid sudden temperature changes

4 Favorable environment (for example, cigarette smoke affects pets a lot).

5 Do not take the animal out in the coldest moments of the day.

It is important to take into account that some breeds are more sensitive to diseases such as brachycephalic, Boxer, Bull Terrier, Bulldog, French Bulldog, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Shar Pei and in the case of felines, the Persian cat. Therefore, it is important to carry out good practices for animal health care that include visits to the veterinarian and, above all, a good diet according to their age and nutritional requirements. “Ideally, the animals receive their controls annually and following this, every time they present any sign or symptom that attracts attention, that is, out of the “usual”, consult your primary veterinarian. There is no single treatment for diseases, since this will depend on the type of specific disease and affected area, as well as its severity and evolution. There are pictures that require anti-inflammatory drugs, other antibiotics, antivirals, antitussives, mucolytics, immunomodulators, etc. Hence, the last word will always be with the specialist to guarantee an excellent quality of life for pets.” They finished from Vitalcan.

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