“Global Survey: Immediate Payment vs Delayed Gain – Insights & Statistics by Gallup and Romir”

2023-04-19 07:01:28

The Gallup and Romir survey asked respondents in 56 countries whether they would like to receive an additional bonus of one monthly income right now or double the amount in a year. It is believed that the greater the proportion of those who prefer delayed gain, the higher the financial stability in the country. In Russia, 20% of respondents preferred a double payment, 32% preferred a single payment. Another 48% might not choose one of the two options, and this proportion of undecided was the highest for all countries.

The survey was conducted in person, by phone or via the Internet in August-October 2022. It was attended by 53.3 thousand people in countries whose population is approximately two-thirds of the world’s population. The results of the study leads RBC.

In second place in terms of the proportion of respondents who might not decide is Greece (39%). The share of Russians who are ready to wait for a double win is also one of the lowest in the world. Below – only in Kosovo. In Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Argentina, the share was higher.

As the survey showed, the higher the standard of living in a country, the more often its citizens preferred deferred payment. The largest such shares were in Sweden (75%), the Netherlands (59%), Japan (56%), Germany (55%), Great Britain (54%).

Immediate payout was chosen most often in low-income regions such as the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America. Most of these responses were recorded in Nigeria (76%), Iraq (74%) and Pakistan (69%).

On average around the world, regarding half (46%) of respondents would like to receive additional income immediately, and 42% of respondents are willing to wait a year for the double amount. 12% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question. In terms of parts of the world, the highest level of those who are willing to wait is in North America, the lowest is in Latin America.

Laura Keffer

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