2023-04-18 19:18:14
Dr.. Hamid Mjool Al Nuaimi *
Some large-mass stars are defined in astrophysics as pulsating neutron stars in their final stages of life, which are the remnants of the explosion of a supernova star, and their size reaches the size of a small city and has a very high magnetic field, and it rotates around itself at a high speed to complete its cycle with a few of seconds and some of them are parts of a second, and during its rotation around itself it emits very strong electromagnetic rays in two directions to become pulsating stars. The emission of these high energies is accompanied by sounds resembling knocking, which is why it was described by some contemporary commentators as “tariq”, and its rays penetrate the sky with its very high energy, as if it were piercing the surrounding gaseous and earthy materials, and thus it was called the penetrator. “By the sky and Al-Tareq, and what makes you aware of what Al-Tareq is, the piercing star.” Al-Tareq 1-3. And God Almighty swears by the sky and Al-Tareq, and Al-Tareq is the piercing star, meaning: the shining one, whose light pierces, so it penetrates the space around it in the universe and penetrates until it is seen from the earth by advanced astronomical and space observatories, and it is a name that includes various stars of very high energies that have the same physical properties, But it differs from the properties of sun-like stars; It emits very strong electromagnetic radiation while it rotates around its axis at a very high speed.
Tens of years ago, other neutron stars called magnets were discovered. They are, in fact, very highly magnetic neutron stars. Its magnetic field is more than 100 times the magnetic field of normal neutron stars, and it may be those very high-energy celestial bodies observed at the edge of the visible universe called quasars. These bodies appear at very long distances and are very bright galactic centers that emit huge, unusual energies. Wherever these bodies are, their enormous brightness indicates that they are the most distant celestial bodies that can be seen in the universe. Among the stars that are in the final (dead) stages of their life are black holes, which may be Al-Khons. These stars have a number of characteristics: they are not seen by the naked eye or by astronomical or space observatories, because they do not allow light to escape from them due to their great gravity, but we feel their presence by observing the matter around them (the speed of escape from their surface is greater than the speed of light), Then it runs at great speeds and eats or sucks everything in its path because of its very large gravitational force, then it swallows and attracts everything in the vicinity of its gravity as if it sweeps the sky, and some have described it as giant cosmic brooms.
The above attributes may apply to those that the Qur’an told us regarding in two noble verses in the Almighty’s saying: “I do not swear by uncleanness, by sweeping.” At-Takwir: 15-16.
Al-Khans, that is, the one that is invisible, the neighborhood, that is, that runs, and the sweeping, that is, that sweeps, attracts, and swallows everything around it to the Khans due to the enormous gravity of it. In fact, all stars, including the sun, are born and die, and their lifespan depends on their mass. God Almighty said: “Then the stars are obliterated, and when the sky is opened” Al-Mursalat 8 and 9 “And when the stars are diminished” Al-Takwir 2, that is, the stars are obliterated and extinguished, and their light dims upon their death.
Stars with very high masses higher than the mass of the Sun by a number of times or tens of times or more end, collapse and die “and the star when it falls” in the form of neutron stars (pulsating stars) or black holes, so their gravity becomes very large, and thus they attract the matter and objects around them Heavenly, that is, they sweep away the matter around them, in the sense that stars of great mass become black holes upon their death, and their light dims (suffocates) due to the gravity of their high-density matter and does not allow even light to exit from them, thus they become dims and shrouded, and at the same time they swallow, absorb and suck out the material around them. Gaseous, earthy, and celestial bodies, so some researchers said that it is sweeping and sweeping.
* Director of the University of Sharjah, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences
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