“Why You Should Eat Seasonal Fruits: Benefits for Health, Taste, and the Environment”

2023-04-19 01:31:03

Eating seasonal fruits is beneficial for a variety of reasons. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Eating seasonal fruits is beneficial for a variety of reasons. Not only are they rich in nutrients, but they are also good for the environment. The reason why you should eat seasonal fruits was introduced in ‘HealthShots’, a website specializing in women’s health.

1. Full of nutrients

Seasonal fruits are harvested when they are most ripe. This means that it can be healthier than eating out of season. Out of season foods often have to be transported over long distances, which can cause loss of nutrients in the process. Also, foods harvested out of season are often grown in artificial environments or treated with chemicals, which can further reduce their nutritional content.

2. It tastes better

Seasonal foods are richer in taste. Out of season fruits are harvested before they are fully ripe, which can reduce flavor and texture. Cultivation in artificial environments and chemical treatment also reduce flavor. Seasonal foods are often grown in natural conditions, so you can enjoy the natural taste unique to the food.

3. It is environmentally friendly

Eating in season is better for the environment. Foods that are harvested out of season and transported over long distances generate significant carbon emissions. Moreover, because out-of-season foods are often grown in artificial environments, they can have a negative impact on nature. By eating seasonal foods, you can reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment.

4. Economical

Produce that is in season is usually less expensive than produce harvested out of season. This is because there is no need for expensive transportation or storage costs. In addition, when agricultural products are in season, the price can be lowered because the yield is high.

#Full #nutrients…Why #seasonal #fruits #good #body



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