The Secrets to Ageless Beauty: Genetic, Lifestyle and Health Factors

2023-04-18 17:15:28

Everyone has an acquaintance, friend or relative who seems immune to the passage of time. It’s true, everyone ages, but not everyone ages at the same rate.

It is common for famous people to get cosmetic touch-ups to hide the years and, in effect, they appear much younger than they really are. But there are other factors that affect the fact that some people simply do not experience aging without the need for surgical or aesthetic procedures.

Well then, It is a mystery that science has been concerned with solving. And the truth is that he has already given several interesting answers.

According to the American magazine Harper’s Bazaarresearch conducted by scientists at Harvard Medical School and DNA biotech company 23andMe set out to unlock the secrets to keeping people looking younger longer.

The researchers set out to analyze the genetic data of 350 women of various ages and ethnic origins. During the investigation, she noted Harper’s Bazaar, identified some participants who had exceptionally better-preserved skin and who appeared younger than the other participants compared to their age.

Research showed that genetics is a determining factor in having a more youthful appearance for a long time. In fact, they found that thousands of DNA components were associated with age, because they were related to aspects of cells such as their energy level and the possibility that they are protected by antioxidants.

Thus, they found that some people are genetically predetermined to maintain healthier and more flexible skin for longer. Even, Harper’s Bazaar He argued that scientific research found profound differences in the passage of time depending on age.

According to the magazine, women who were of African descent showed signs of aging that developed much more slowly than their Caucasian counterparts. Differences in age might amount to up to a decade.

Recommendations for a healthy old age

MedlinePlusthe online encyclopedia of the United States National Library of Medicine, gives some useful recommendations for people to mitigate the deterioration that aging brings to their health.

To begin with, this medical source points out that it is essential to have a healthy diet. This means that patients must take into account what their needs are in order to design an adequate diet. Thus, it is recommended to avoid foods with a lot of calories but little nutritional value such as chips, sodas, sweets and alcohol.

Rather, it is advised to “eat foods that give you plenty of nutrients without a lot of extra calories. This includes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, nuts and seeds.”

At the same time, MedlinePlus underlines the importance of having an adequate weight, since obesity and overweight can cause multiple health problems. To achieve this, it can be of great help to practice sports and exercise frequently. When making an exercise plan, it is recommended to seek support from a professional, since it must have the appropriate intensity for age.

It is also advisable to pay attention to mental health and keep an active mind, to avoid dementia or Alzheimer’s problems.

Finally, MedlinePlus highlights the importance of preventing accidents, as they point out that the consequences of a fall in elderly people can be much more serious compared to what happens with younger people.

Among other things, it points out that they are more at risk of fractures or problems with their vision. Thus, It is important that older adults can inhabit safe spaces that avoid mishaps.

“Even if you’ve never done it before, it’s never too late to start taking care of your health. If you have questions regarding these lifestyle changes or need help figuring out how to make them, talk to your healthcare professional.” MedlinePlus.

#Science #reveals #people #dont #age

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