“10 Signs of Heart Disease in Women: Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs”

2023-04-18 17:36:26

One in three women will die of cardiovascular disease in France. It is the leading cause of death among them. Chest pain, back pain, headache… These are the signs that can reveal a heart problem in a woman.

Chest pain, shortness of breath on the slightest effort, stitches in the back, sudden weight gain… And if that was hiding a heart disease? Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death for women in France but only 46% of women know itaccording to Ifop “Heart and women” barometer carried out for the French Federation of Cardiology (FFC) in April 2023. And “there is a marked increase in the number of heart attacks in young women” reports Dr Catherine Monpère, Co-president of the FFC’s “Coeur de Femmes” Commission. One in three women will die of them in France and they are responsible for 8 times more deaths than breast cancer. Discover the 10 signs of heart disease that should alert womenwith advice from Professor Claire Mounier-Véhier, cardiologist, co-founder of the Endowment Fund Acting for the hearts of women.

1. Chest pain and palpitations

Let’s not believe that a woman’s heart attack does not hurt because it is not true: in one out of two cases, chest pain is the first warning sign“, explains the cardiologist. The infarction is characterized by a sudden occlusion of a large artery. “This abrupt occlusion is manifested by pain similar to that of humans, namely a pain in the vice in the chest (behind the sternum) and which radiates in the arm and in the jaw with sometimes a desire to vomit, as well as palpitations”, details the specialist. The reflex : if these pains are very intense and are persistent (more than 5 to 10 minutes), it is necessary to immediately call 15.

2. Chronic shortness of breath

Shortness of breath during moderate exertion of daily living can reveal high blood pressure, a chronic disease linked to abnormally high blood pressure in the blood vessels. High blood pressure means the blood is pressing harder once morest the walls of the arteries, which puts extra work on the heart and can eventually cause exhaustion of the heart muscle“, says Professor Mounier-Véhier, The reflex : in case of chronic shortness of breath, regularly measure your blood pressure using a blood pressure monitor (with CE marking) 3 times in a row on your arm, in a seated and calm position, in the morning when you wake up and in the evening before going to bed, 3 days in a row. If the blood pressure is too high (average of the 18 blood pressure measurements > 135/85 mm Hg), consult your doctor.

3. A waist circumference greater than 88 cm

“And waist circumference greater than 88 cm (excluding disembowelment and pregnancy period) is associated with risks of diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis or liver diseaseunderlines the cardiologist. When it is in excess, visceral fat secretes inflammatory substances which damage the walls of the arteries in the long term and promote the risk of type 2 diabetes“. The reflex : if your waist circumference is more than 88 cm at the level of the abdomen (between the last rib and the iliac bone), it may be the beginning of a metabolic syndrome (set of toxic physiological disorders for the arteries). See a doctor.

4. Heartburn

“Of the digestive symptoms comparable to an ulcer such as heartburn or stitches in the pit of the stomach may be a sign of coronary artery disease, which is promoted by the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries or coronary artery spasm more common in women, justifies our interlocutor. Complications can occur in the long term such as a myocardial infarction when the artery becomes clogged with necrosis of the heart muscle.The reflex : if these digestive disorders are repeated, persist or are associated with palpitations, shortness of breath, abnormal fatigue, back pain between the two shoulder blades or burning in the throat, for increasingly moderate efforts of daily life, when it is very cold or when you are smoking a cigarette, call 15.

5. An extended stitch in the back

Prolonged and continuous pain in the chestwhich increases on inspiration often associated with fever and severe fatigue may be the sign of pericarditis (inflammation of the sac that envelops the heart)”, indicates the specialist. Pericarditis is often of viral origin but can also reveal an autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, more frequent in women, hence the importance of not waiting for symptoms to disappear. The reflex : pain in the chest that radiates to the left shoulder, which intensifies during inspiration and which settles for a few days requires a medical consultation.

6. Migraines with aura

Of the migraine with aurarecurrent and accompanied by visual disturbances, paresthesias in the hand, vomiting or difficulty speaking are linked to an increased risk of stroke. And this, particularly in women on combined oral contraception (oestroprogestative) and who smoke“, warns the cardiologist. Note that the consumption of tobacco associated with taking an estrogen-progestogen pill multiply by 20 the risk of venous (phlebitis, pulmonary embolism, etc.) and arterial (stroke, heart attack, etc.) accidents. The reflex : if you are not prone to migraines and in the absence of migraine in the family, it is better to call 15 because migraine will be a diagnosis of elimination of a stroke.

7. Pole Legs

Sudden weight gain accompanied by edema in the legs, fatigue, anxiety and palpitations can be a harbinger of cardiovascular disease, such as heart failure”, says the specialist. It is characterized by the inability of the heart muscle to ensure its role as a pump, a real motor, to bring blood into the body. The reflex : if you notice edema on your legs with a pole-like appearance, that is to say if the skin takes the mark of the finger for a long time under pressure, that you have also gained weight suddenly, that you are tired and out of breath from the slightest exertion, see a doctor.

8. Walking pain

A pain in the vice in the buttock, calf or in the arch of the foot and which only manifests itself when walking et which ceases at rest should push to consult a doctor“, advocates the expert. She can reveal arteritisalso called “obliterating arteriopathy of the lower limbs”, a disease caused by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques (deposit of cholesterol) in the arteries of the legs. The reflex : such pain should lead to consulting a doctor, especially following the age of 60, to assess the cardiovascular system and initiate treatment.

9. Tiredness or dizziness for no reason

Recurrent episodes of fatigue for 2-3 months, during a moderate effort of daily life (climbing a floor, shopping, etc.)are not insignificant, especially in active women, warns Professor Claire Mounier-Véhier. Unusual tiredness and dizziness for no reason may be a sign oftoo low cardiac output, bradycardia ora blocked coronary arteryAt this rate, the heart can no longer pump enough blood to the rest of the body. The reflex : if you always feel tired and short of breath during the efforts of daily life, or if you have dizziness at times, talk to your doctor.

10. Snoring: watch out for sleep apnea!

Loud snoring is not insignificant. It is the main symptom ofsleep apnea“, poses the heart specialist from the outset. Be careful because sleep apnea is associated with a higher risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, metabolic syndrome and aortic dissection, a rare condition which is characterized by the irruption of blood inside the wall of the aorta which tears it.
• The reflex : think regarding sleep apnea screening. This is a complete overnight test (at least 6 hours) which consists of evaluating several neurophysiological and respiratory parameters using electrodes placed on the head, face, chest and legs.

When to consult?

Any abnormal symptomsin a context of risk factors (women on combined contraception, tobacco, chronic stress, physical inactivity, BMI greater than 25, diabetes, cholesterol greater than 2, arterial hypertension, family history of stroke, etc.) should alert and encourage woman to call 15 (Samu). A the menopause, vigilance is essential! It is necessary to do a cardiovascular check-up.

Thanks to Pr Claire Mounier-Véhier, cardiologist.

#symptoms #watch #women



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