“Health Reform Update: La U and Conservative Party Reach Agreement on Modifications”

2023-04-18 16:34:59


These are some of the points that La U managed to agree on and that would allow the health reform to breathe once more. Thick lines are still missing. The conservatives are not decided.


The Minister of Health, Carolina Corcho, had to give in to her controversial reform. SEMANA learned that this Monday, April 17, the Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Prada, Minister Corcho and the presidents of La U and the Conservative Party, Dilian Francisca Toro and Efraín Cepeda, respectively, met for more than three hours and agreed on that the only way to save the Government’s proposal was to modify the articles.

For this reason, following a strong discussion, they established a new text that contained a large part of the 133 proposals presented by the two parties and with which they intended to straighten the initiative in the Seventh Commission of the House.

In the end, Toro and Cepeda were satisfied because they managed to have the bulk of their proposals consigned in a text that will modify the presentation of the reform that was filed in Congress on March 31. However, there are still pending issues to be discussed in the legislative debates.

The U will announce the reform, but the conservatives will make the decision on the bench in the next few minutes.

The director of La U told her congressmen this Tuesday to make the project viable in the Seventh Commission, but taking into account the proposals that will allow them to adjust the missing articles.

Both parties insisted on that figure, but Minister Corcho’s team of advisers wrote in the text of the reform that “up to 5%”, that is, it might vary from 0% to 5%″.

Besides, It was consigned in the new draft that they will be granted up to an additional 3% as an incentive in attention and quality.

Corcho proposed that the National Health Council, which would be in charge of giving instructions, advising, monitoring and others, be made up of 40 members, but the parties managed to lower it to 15.

Although the government promoted a state-owned health system, that is, exclusively public, in the new project it became clear that it will be mixed, as is currently the case, with the participation of the State and the private sector.

Another of the issues that managed to adjust is that public hospitals will have a lifeline from the Government once morest their debts with future validity.

On the other hand, “they (the Government) do not accept the contracting of the Healthcare Provider Institutions (IPS), but we are going to put it in a proposal and we are going to vote,” announced Toro, who believes that there is valuable infrastructure that must be taken into account.

It is expected that on the followingnoon of this Tuesday, when the new and last draft of the paper is officially debated, other modifications of the reform in which Carolina Corcho gave in will be known exactly. And those that The U and the conservatives will have to start discussing, amid the tensions, with proposals.

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