2023-04-18 06:40:10
France violates the rights of people with disabilities, the Council of Europe’s finding is clear. The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) unanimously concluded that France had violated several articles of the European Social Charter.
Depending on the jurisdiction, the country does not respect the rights of people with disabilities concerning accessibility to buildings, the schooling of children or access as detailed by the Huffington Post. This report results from a complaint filed in 2018 by four associations, Unapei, APF France handicap, Unafam and FNATH.
Among the points raised by the European jurisdiction, France is singled out for its lack of places in reception facilities for people with disabilities or even insufficient financial aid. The country is also singled out for the obstacle course represented by access to transport.
“The same rights as other citizens”
“We are proud to see that our work is finally coming to fruition! It is a recognition of the violation of the rights of people with disabilities, made possible thanks to our actions and our determination to move the lines. But we cannot be fully satisfied, because it is indeed a recognition of shortcomings of the French State to provide people with disabilities and their families with a dignified and chosen life. It remains for France to work, finally, so that people with disabilities benefit from the same rights as other citizens”, explain Pascale Ribes, president of APF France handicap, Sophie Crabette, deputy general secretary of the FNATH, Marie-Jeanne Richard, president of Unafam, Luc Gateau, president of Unapei in a joint press release.
As a result of this report, the associations are now demanding “that the recommendations made be translated without delay into coherent, coordinated and quantified public policies, so that the rights of people with disabilities are finally respected: in terms of support, resources and compensation, accessibility, health, education and social protection”.
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