2023-04-18 04:20:00
Road safety had restricted access to the monument to San Martín in the center of the capital city shortly following closing the elections on Sunday the 16th. It is the place to celebrate whatever. The followers of Mariano Gaido had foreseen make a mini-festival in Roca and Rioja to clear the monument.
The forecast failed and the followers of Rolando Figueroa took over the corner, those of Gaido decided not to celebrate publicly. FIt was as a way of demonstrating at the door of provincial power that the one who will arrive through that door on December 10 will be someone else.
There will be eight months of transition in which the former vice-governor and national deputy and Governor Omar Gutiérrez they will have to mark history in the province or they will repeat mistakes.
The governor-elect has already sent signals, branding his former running mate as “a statesman” to prepare the ground for an orderly transition scheme. Lieutenant Governor and former MPN candidate Marcos Koopmann said he has resumed his position and will put his legislative work first.
There is an agenda that makes noise and, for a change, it is the oil company. The purchase of Neuquén, the quota of Neuquén workers and the collection of tolls on the routes have resistance in the sector, with or without reason. They have already informed the next president of his reservations, but if it is approved in transition, there will be a condition for the next administration.
From the political space of Figueroa it was indicated that the construction was not organic, that is to say, a classic front was not made that, once in power, forced to distribute spaces of power. Each space had its collector and obtained its share of power in the collegiate bodies, for which reason the elected governor owes them nothing. It is likely, equally that he should not do what they did to him that prevented him from staying at the official residence of the Coast because Jorge Sapag continued to live there to certain places of provincial decision linked to relations with the interior of the Province.
In the current management of Gutiérrez and Sapag, until yesterday they might not overcome the bitter pill for having lost power in the Province. Lhe thousands of employees that make up the political plant -many permanent employees and other foreigners- began to wonder regarding their future. Uncertainty had taken over his job future.
What always happens in Neuquén when there is a change of power in the Province is that the one who leaves leaves a gift that is the massive plant passes so that the one who arrives has to pay for them or repeal them with the political cost that this implies. From the Figueroa sector they hope that this is the exception.
The other issue that in this transition may have a promissory-style resolution following December 10 is the professional career of doctors in the public health system.
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