How to produce your own electricity?

2023-04-16 14:00:05

Energy is expensive, and the prospect of producing one’s own electricity at home tends to interest more and more French people. There are several methods to become self-sufficient in electricity, but this often represents a significant investment.

No longer dependent on EDF or another electricity supplier to use its household appliances, turn on the lightlight or recharging an electric car, many French people dream of it. There are different possibilities for producing your own electricity. However, their implementation and the investment required may vary.

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Why produce your own electricity?

The main reason that can push a household to become self-sufficient in mattermatter electricity production is economical. Indeed, from the moment you produce your own energyenergy, your accommodation operates mainly in a “closed circuit” and this therefore saves you from using electricity that comes from the Enedis network. However, to ensure maximum autonomy, it is necessary to invest in a complete production system, which also includes a battery capable of storing the energy that you do not consume directly.
All of this represents a very high cost: it sometimes takes several decades to fully amortize it. It is an investment that must be budgeted with rigor and reflection.

Generate electricity with solar panels

Solar panels are a source ofgreen energygreen energy obvious, since they make it possible to transform the light of the soleilsoleil in electricity. To do this, photovoltaic panels are installed on the toittoit your house, or even directly on your land. It is an effective installation if it is carried out in regions where the sun is regularly present: indeed, its effectiveness is limited in cloudy weather, even if the most recent models are more efficient in this context.
The installation and use of solar panels are quite simple, but the process requires the intervention of a professional. With 25 m² of photovoltaic panels, you can produce up to 2500 kWh per year.

Produce electricity with domestic wind turbines

The domestic wind turbine is another source of green energy which uses the ventvent to work. This therefore requires a strategic installation: indeed, it is imperative that the wind turbine is installed on an open ground to be effective. In addition, the operation of a domestic wind turbine can be noisy and if you have close neighbors, this can be considered a nuisancenuisance sound.
The electrical efficiency of a wind turbine can vary greatly depending on the model (with two or three blades), but also depending on the climatic conditions. As a result, it is difficult to estimate the energy production. Moreover, it is one of the most expensive installations, and therefore one of the longest to make profitable.

Produce electricity with an ecogenerator

Unlike the two previous solutions for producing electricity at home, the ecogenerator is not really a “green” solution. It is connected to the network of natural gasnatural gas and it corresponds to a type of “micro-cogeneration” boiler. Not only is the ecogenerator capable of heating hot water for radiatorsradiators and the domestic use of a fireplace, but it can also, at the same time, produce electricity. This gives it a serious advantage in terms of performance, in addition to making it a very interesting device economically.
Indeed, the ecogenerator can cover all the heating and hot water needs of a family, but it can also produce between 50 and 80% of the household’s electricity needs. This can help reduce the amount of your bills by 50% throughout the year! On the other hand, the purchase cost of an ecogenerator is high: 15,000 euros on average.

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