“Preparing for Government Pressure: Insights from ShapeShift CEO on Crypto’s Growing Threat to the Financial System.”

2023-04-16 16:33:22

According to Erik Voorhees, CEO of ShapeShift, the crypto sector must prepare for increasing government pressure as it poses a growing threat to the state-controlled financial system.

Even though the United States has recently introduced increasingly strict restrictions on crypto, the battle between the US government and the crypto industry is just beginning, according to the head of ShapeShift.

According to Voorhees, the US authorities do not yet see crypto as a real threat to the fiat system, and with the current regulations, the government will only restrict crypto companies from last year. collapse reacts.

“They see it as a kind of scam that they can step in and look like a hero because they clean up the trash.” Voorhees said in an interview with Cointelegraph.

Voorhees says cryptocurrencies are winning the ‘war’

ShapeShift’s CEO says crypto needs to become more widespread and mainstream before governments consider banning it. At this point, he says, the government would be too late, as too many people would be aware of the value and utility of cryptocurrencies.

By the way, Voorhees has no doubt that the crypto sector will win the “war”, in part because it is free from the restrictions on capital flows present in the traditional financial system:

“Capital goes where the risk is the least… In the crypto world, capital moves freely and easily.”

The full interview can be viewed here:


#war #crypto #sector #government #beginning #ShapeShift



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