what is the meaning of this dream?

2023-04-16 14:01:46

Teeth falling out one following another, that’s what your latest dream looks like! Could this be a message that your subconscious tries to transmit to you? Is this typical dream linked to deep anxieties that your brain interprets in its own way? What is it really ?

Why am I having this dream in which I am losing my teeth?

For you, the question does not even arise, each dream is premonitory! You have your opinion and whatever people say, it’s settled! But those around you, especially your close relatives, do not share the same opinion. For them, each dream, each dream has its own meaning. After all, the interpretation of dreams varies with each individual. You don’t seem too reassured, despite everything! What might have put you in such a state? It’s high time to go through the confession box: you had a funny dream in which you helplessly witnessed the loss of teeth… your teeth to be more precise! Traumatized, distressed, words fail to describe what you feel following this dream.

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Waking up in the middle of a nightmare – Source: spm

The Dream of Losing Your Teeth According to Freud

At the risk of surprising you, know that this kind of dream concerns all ordinary mortals. In other words, it happens to everyone to have such a dream. It is therefore no coincidence that Sigmund Freud, a famous psychoanalyst who needs no introduction, called it a “typical dream”.

Other analyzes on the premonitory dream of losing your teeth

Especially since a study published in 2018 in the journal Frontiers in Psychology showed that 39% of respondents said they had had this dream at least once in their life. Amazing!

Note that according to Dr. Rubin Naiman, psychologist and sleep specialist, interpreting a dream is more regarding evaluating the emotion it symbolizes. So it’s personal. The latter goes further and affirms that dreams are the reflection of life and that they act as a mirror. For Dr. Rubin Naiman, interpreting a dream consists of decoding it in order to expand our psychological awareness. According to him, the key lies in not interpreting the dream through the symbols and visuals it represents but through the emotions it releases by asking the following question: “What is Does this dream evoke me emotionally? “. To conclude, Dr. Rubin Naiman encourages us to become familiar with the language of dreams without necessarily translating it into reality.

Something to leave you pensive, dear dreamers!

When you lose your teeth in a dream: what does that mean?

But then what can falling teeth refer to in a dream?

There are several explanations for this dream

Obviously, everyone has their own theory and interpretation. The legend would even like this type of dream to be an omen of the death of a loved one more precisely. But be reassured, it never went beyond the stage of a simple theory… Phew, you are reassured!

No need to rejoice, however, losing your teeth in a dream does not bode well… Should we sound the alarm?!

Make sure his teeth are still in place

Making sure his teeth are still in place – Source: spm

Tooth loss in a dream: the 12 possible meanings and interpretations

1 – Anxiety related to change

Losing your teeth in a dream might refer to anxiety regarding change. Indeed, according to Carl Gustav Jung, founder of analytical psychology, this kind of dream means that one is afraid of losing something and changing the situation. This dream refers to the fall of baby teeth, and therefore to the passage from childhood to adolescence. The pain of tooth loss being associated with fear of change and a feeling of insecurity. What might be more logical ?

2 – Anguish of death

Another meaning of this dream, the anguish of death, just that! What might be more abnormal than the loss of teeth? Through them, we talk, we laugh, we eat… we simply live! The loss of teeth would be synonymous with life escaping…

3 – State of prolonged stress

According to Healthline, whether related to work or personal life, stress is ubiquitous in everyday life. However, being uncontrolled, it can cause physical reactions but not only! To dream that your teeth are falling out can indicate that you are more stressed than usual.

4 – Feeling of exacerbated anxiety

Although stress and anxiety are usually associated, anxiety is a state that results in the long term in permanent feelings of worry and insecurity that can take over on a daily basis. Anxiety can cause teeth grinding at night, which can trigger this kind of dream. The other plausible explanation is that anxiety makes you dread the arrival of a critical event, hence the dream of tooth loss.

5 – Feeling of insecurity

If your dream involves feeling ashamed or anxious following your teeth fell out, it might mean that you are struggling with a daily feeling of insecurity related to your smile or your teeth. This is what Valentina Dragomir, psychotherapist and founder of the PsihoSensus Academy and PsihoSensus Therapy explained very well: “Sometimes we cannot allow ourselves to feel our insecurities or our anxiety because we have to stay strong. From then on, our subconscious will find a way to bring these feelings to the surface through a dream”.

6 – Feeling of inferiority or powerlessness

Having missing teeth in real life is often associated with low quality of life, even low self-esteem and emotional malaise. Therefore, dreaming of falling teeth suggests that you feel inferior in different aspects of your life, as Dr. Katrina Zhao, Senior Dentist and Managing Director of Midas Dental, points out.

7 – Major change in progress

Stress and anxiety can be linked to major changes coming to your life. A new job, a promotion, a move, a wedding, the birth of a child, these are all changes in your life that can affect your subconscious and worry you, which might cause you to dream of losing your teeth.

8 – Depression and depression

Depression leads to a permanent feeling of sadness, loneliness and low self-esteem. Physical well-being is just as affected, to the point of dreaming of tooth loss.

9 – Pathological jealousy

By being jealous of the success of your partner, your friend or your colleague, the sum of this stored negative energy risks affecting your subconscious during your sleep. This feeling can give rise to insane dreams, such as those related to losing your teeth.

10 – Poor mental digestion of events

According to Dr. Naiman, having the same negative and frightening dream means that one has difficulty mentally digesting certain events. It is therefore necessary to take the time to discover what this dream brings to us emotionally and to try to solve it, followingwards. “When people have repeated dreams, it’s really important to address them,” he says. Adding, “There is an old saying in the Talmud that goes, ‘An unexamined dream is like an unopened letter.’ It is therefore important to open this letter… to pay attention to it, to recall the dream and to associate it with it. »

11 – Actual loss of a tooth

This is surely one of the clearest explanations. Have you recently lost a tooth? Or did you break one of them accidentally? So, you may be dreaming regarding your other teeth falling out, especially if the actual loss of your tooth was painful and traumatic.

12 – Sexual Impotence

Another interpretation and not the least, the loss of teeth would be synonymous with sexual impotence, still according to… Freud. Hey, by chance! According to him, the teeth would be a representation of the sexual apparatus. The loss of the latter would occur at the very moment when the child simultaneously discovers his sexuality. In other words, losing your teeth might be equated with repressed sexuality and repressed fantasies. Holy Freud!

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Finally and by way of conclusion, Dr. Naiman advises you to consult a psychologist, if you find it difficult to make sense of your dream and it disturbs you more and more.

You are now warned, if you lose your teeth in dreams, there is no need to panic! Everything has an explanation or at least a particular meaning. In the meantime, sweet dreams…

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