Ethiopia: end of the dismantling of regional “special forces”

The head of the Ethiopian federal army, Birhanu Jula announced on Saturday the end of the dismantling of the “forces
of certain regions of Ethiopia, ten days following the announcement of this measure which sparked clashes in the north of the country.

“As of today, the structure of regional special forces no longer exists.

Our work is done,” said General Birhanu Jula in a filmed statement, picked up by the media.

Authorities will now channel the old special forces into their new units, train them and “reintegrate those who got lost through confusion”, he said.

The government announced on April 6 that it was going to “reassign” within the federal army and the police the members of these military units, which had been set up illegally for fifteen years in most of the 11 states. Ethiopian federates.

The beginning of the process had triggered incidents and demonstrations in the Amhara region. Calm had generally returned on Thursday. No noteworthy incidents were reported in the other regions.


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