Myths and hoaxes about aesthetic medicine and cancer

The #HealthWithoutBulos Institute and GEMEON (Group of Experts in Oncological Aesthetic Medicine) have signed an agreement to collaborate in actions that allow to deny the hoaxes regarding aesthetic medicine that affect the self-esteem of cancer patients. “He cancer It is the pathology regarding which there are more hoaxes. For this reason, we are pleased to be able to count on the support of GEMEON to stop misinformation in aesthetic medicine, one of the areas in which we have detected more fake news and an increase in social media conversation on this topic“, has declared Carlos Mateoscoordinator of #HealthWithoutBulos.

False news regarding the skin, the aesthetic treatments that cancer patients can undergo or hair loss are the main myths that circulate on the internet and on social networks. “False information or information without scientific evidence regarding aesthetic medicine and cancer patients harms the emotional state of patients. For this reason, it is particularly important to collaborate between health institutions, health professionals and communicators to combat them. Besides, issues related to aesthetics are often underestimated compared to other fake news”, has pointed out the doctor Daisy Stephenpresident of GEMEON.

On the occasion of the signing of this agreement, GEMEON and #SaludsinBulos have prepared a Decalogue of myths in aesthetic medicine and cancer. This list seeks to combat misinformation and its detrimental effects on self-perception. As indicated by a study recent in patients with breast cancer, decreased self-esteem and distorted body image are common in women with cancer. However, it is a phenomenon that also affects patients with other types of cancer and tumors. “The bibliography is very extensive and ranges from patients with breast cancer to those with ostomies. Cancer affects self-esteem and therefore the quality of life of the patient”, adds Dr. Esteban.

Ten myths in aesthetic medicine and cancer

He Decalogue Prepared by these two organizations, it reviews different aspects of aesthetics and cancer regarding which, on occasions, there is not enough information available or it is not clear:

  1. He cancer patient cannot undergo photoepilation”. It will depend on the type of cancer and the stage in which the patient is. It is also very important to take into account the condition of the skin and the general condition.
  2. “Hair always falls out with cancer treatments”. Not always, it will depend on the type of tumor, as well as the type of treatment that the patient needs. Not even all chemotherapy drugs influence hair loss.
  3. “You have to eat everything. The important thing is not to lose weight.”. Diet is a very important part of the prevention, treatment and prognosis of cancer. We must not forget that 30-35% of the causes of the disease is a poor diet. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek nutritional advice from a good professional.
  4. “The use of wigs makes it difficult for hair to grow back”. Wearing a wig does not damage your hair, as long as you follow a few rules or tips for use. You should wear a suitable size, wash the wig systematically without skipping the wash day, avoid wigs that do not let the scalp breathe, and try not to use adhesive. In addition, from time to time he lets a day go by without wearing the wig.
  5. “Sport is contraindicated in cancer patients”. Physical exercise, adapted to the capacity at each moment of the treatment and to the person, and supervised by rehabilitation physicians or experts, has shown benefits in tolerance to chemical treatments, pre-surgical preparation and post-surgical recovery of cancer patients. .
  6. “Pain with sexual intercourse is normal, and lubricant is enough”. Both the 360 ​​intravaginal radiofrequency and the CO2 laser provide rejuvenation of the mucosa, which recovers turgidity and moisture, normal pH, making it a lubricated canal once more, disappearing dyspareunia, as well as vaginal infections. recurrent and even mild and moderate stress urinary incontinence.
  7. “If they give me radiotherapy I have to remain isolated.” The patient does not emit any type of radiation once the radiotherapy session has finished. His personal, family and social life should not be affected.
  8. “Cancer treatments cause sterility. After cancer treatment a womanjer can’t get pregnant.” Some chemotherapy treatments once morest cancer and/or pelvic radiotherapy can cause sterility, but there are preservation programs that are carried out prior to the start of these treatments. Even in prepubertal patients, although in children it is still in the experimental phase (advanced).
  9. “Oncology patients cannot put on makeup, it hurts them”. Cancer patients can use special makeup, adapted for sensitized skin, on the contrary, they are recommended to use camouflage makeup to improve appearance, since it is described that looking good improves self-esteem, social and relationships, and immunity.
  10. “Patients who have or havenest cancer can not be put Botulinum toxinis contraindicated”. There are many scientific publications that demonstrate how botulinum toxin has been used in cancer patients, at different stages of the disease, with different objectives, at doses much higher than those used in aesthetic medicine without adverse effects. No scientific article contraindicates the use of botulinum toxin in cancer patients.

By signing this agreement, GEMEON will help to deny hoaxes regarding cancer that users send through the page or alarmist headlines published in online media. In addition, #SaludsinBulos and GEMEON will seek more ways of collaborating in the analysis and training on the use of social networks in relation to cancer.



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