Mohamed Sami leaves the country before the end of the Jaafar El-Omda series

Sunday 16/Apr/2023 – 01:26 AM

The director, Mohamed Sami, and his wife, the artist, Mai Omar, left for Dubai, days before the end of the series, Jaafar Al-Omda, directed by him, starring the artist, Mohamed Ramadan, and a number of first-class stars.

Mohamed Sami leaves the country before the end of the Jaafar El-Omda series

The director, Mohamed Sami, shared a photo through his Instagram account of his presence in Dubai with the artist, Mai Omar.

This comes as the events of the Jaafar series, which enjoys wide follow-up by the Egyptian and Arab audiences, escalate, and the series leads the trend on social networking sites amid great interaction from users.

Mohamed Sami leaves the country

This comes as a lawyer filed a complaint with the Minister of Culture, to change the end of the Jaafar Al-Omda series, and to hold the action hero accountable at the end of the events.

The lawyer explained that the Jaafar El-Omda series was distinguished by a wonderful performance by a constellation of creative artists, and its impact was clear on the audience, who were drawn to it and followed its events, but the hero of the work must be held accountable for his crimes at the end of the events.

It is noteworthy that Muhammad Ramadan spoke, during his statements, regarding the end of the Jaafar Al-Omda series, stressing that the end will be happy and satisfactory to the audience.
And he added, in his meeting with the media, Fatima Mustafa, on a program with Fatima Mustafa on Radio 9090: The end will make you very, very happy, the end, God willing, will satisfy the audience.



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