Cartoon “Super Mario Bros. Movie” continues to be the box office record holder. The adaptation of the popular video game crossed the $500 million mark at the worldwide box office, making it the most successful video game film project in history.
The animated adventure of the Merry Plumbers earned $260.3 million domestically and $248.4 million internationally. Super Mario Bros. Movie became the highest-grossing film project of 2023 both globally and domestically, surpassing the comic book adaptation of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantum Mania.
Among other notable milestones, Super Mario Bros. Movie was the second highest-grossing animated film since 2019 at the global box office, behind only Minions 2: Gruvitation ($942.5 million).
Illumination, which produced such popular animated series as Despicable Me and Sing, worked hand in hand with Nintendo to recreate the adventures of a mustachioed plumber and his brother Luigi on the big screen. Illumination founder Chris Meledandri co-produced the film with Shigeru Miyamoto, the legendary Nintendo designer who created Mario Bros. along with classic games like Zelda and Donkey Kong.
Who voiced the characters of “Super Mario Bros. Movie”?
The main characters of the cartoon were voiced by Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day and Jack Black.