Slap on the wrist of radicalism and the CC to the PRO for the internal: what happened

The open-air inmate that broke out in the PRO due to the decision of Horacio Rodriguez Larreta to hold concurrent elections in the City of Buenos Aires led to the civic coalition already Gerardo Morales to call for a ceasefire. During the week, both the space created by Elisa Carrió and the governor of Jujuy had supported the head of government.

We have to lower the intensity of the differences and, instead, strengthen unity and political friendshipsolidify the programmatic agreements that the foundations of our parties have been working on seriously and in a sustained manner,” said the small table of the CC this Saturday, following a meeting.

With the presence of the president of the party Maximiliano Ferraro and the deputy Juan Manuel López, among other references, the “lilitos” made “an urgent call to the leaders of Together for Change so that we put a vision of greatness, virtue and long-term agreement term above our conjunctural differences”.

“Treason” and “Revenge”: Larreta cut the umbilical cord with Macri

The claim occurs following the criticism once morest Rodríguez Larreta that they wielded Mauricio Macri, Mary Eugenia Vidal, Patricia Bullrich and other PRO referents for the decision to hold the Buenos Aires elections with the single ballot system.

“The dispute between the different leaders of Together for Change should never take precedence over the alternative proposal and real change that we represent for Argentina,” the coalitionists said. “For this we must practice, in the dynamics of internal competition, alterity as the foundation of the recognition of the other”, they delved.

In addition to Ferraro and Lopez, national legislators Paula Oliveto, Mariana Zuvic and Monica Frade were present; the provincial deputy for Buenos Aires, Maricel Etchecoin, the Portuguese legislator Hernán Reyes; the president of the CC in Corrientes, Hugo Calvano; former national deputy Fernanda Reyes and leaders Romina Braga and Agustín Bertuzzi.

The UCR responded to Macri regarding the elections in CABA: “What he says now is contrary to what he did”

Gerardo Morales also asked to end the internship

The Jujuy governor and presidential candidate also called for an end to the discursive hostilities of his compatriots from Together for Change, alleging that the coalition should engage in the next government.

The fight is over, the only ticket is a JxC flag. In addition, it is a decision that has already been made and we have to put an end to it, because we have inflation of 7.7% and we have to focus on the government plan, ”he said.

He also called for calm and asked to focus “on showing that JxC is the only political force that is in a position to govern Argentina.”


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