Nicolas Ullens’ lawyers have spoken out regarding their client’s motivations in the case of the murder of Baroness Ullens, his mother-in-law. They have denied the existence of remarks made by Ullens regarding his stepmother humiliating him for years, as reported in the press. The lawyers clarified that Ullens did not receive 50,000 euros per month and the story has caused problems for him in prison. The lawyers stated that Ullens has not received money from his father for several years, and the murder has no connection to any request for money. The lawyers will speak regarding Ullens’ motivation in due course and hope that the confidentiality of the investigation will be respected.
The lawyers of Nicolas Ullens, accused of having killed his mother-in-law, Baroness Ullens. His lawyers made it clear that their client’s motivations go deeper.
The lawyers of Nicolas Ullens did not wish to speak, but today, they take the floor to denounce information which they consider inaccurate. “We saw that erroneous information was circulating,” explains Jean-Philippe Mayence, one of Nicolas Ullens’ lawyers.
According to information published in the press, Nicolas Ullens would have explained that he had been humiliated by his stepmother for years.

His lawyers deny that these remarks were made and affirm that their client never made these remarks. “The fact that Nicolas Ullens would have received 50,000 euros per month is completely inaccurate and it has created problems in the prison, because inmates and guards have positioned themselves in relation to that and it is intolerable”.
Still according to his lawyers, Nicolas Ullens has not received any money from his father for several years. The murder of his mother-in-law would also have no connection with a request for money which would have been refused.
His lawyers will speak out on his motives when the time is right, they say. In the meantime, they hope that the secrecy of the instruction will be respected.
2023-04-14 17:22:00
#Lawyers #Baroness #Ullens #alleged #killer #silence #motivations #murder #financial