This is how lemon water is prepared to lose weight and stimulate digestion

modern life

Excessive intake of high-calorie foods that are rich in fat have a major impact on weight gain.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the fundamental cause of overweight and obesity is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and expended, therefore excessive intake of high-calorie foods that are rich in fat have a significant impact on weight gain.

There are also complementary methods such as infusions and juices. One of these is lemon juice or water.

Lemon water is a diuretic drink that helps the body eliminate fluid accumulation, thus helping to deflate. Experts also warn that it does not increase the burning of body fat, but it is a drink rich in antioxidant nutrients that help the body to eliminate toxinsan important factor in the process of losing weight.

Specialists indicate that lemon water is an excellent complement to contribute to weight loss, but this drink does not replace the need to eat a healthy diet and practice sports on a regular basis.

Lemon is well known for its richness in vitamins such as C, in addition to its nutrients such as acids (citric, malic and caffeic), minerals (potassium, calcium and magnesium), pectin, carbohydrates, flavonoids and essential oils.

This fruit is a good option when looking to lose weight, since its composition favors the production of gastric juices in the stomach, “which causes food to break down more easily. Thanks to this, lemon improves digestion and avoids some problems that hinder weight loss: abdominal bloating, gas or heartburn, ”they explain it on the portal unCOMO.

In unCOMO recommend these two methods to make lemon water for weight loss:

  • Heat 1 glass of mineral water and then allow it to cool until the liquid is lukewarm.
  • Once the water is lukewarm, cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze one of its parts into the liquid. It is preferable that the lemon is ripe, so it can have more juice inside.
  • Stir the mixture so that the juice is well diluted in the water and the water with lemon to lose weight will be ready.
  • Take a lemon and cut it whole into slices.
  • Add in a jug cold water and the lemon slices that have been cut.
  • Let the slices rest for a few hours before consuming the lemon water.

With this recipe you can drink glasses of water with lemon throughout the day. A suggestion they make in unCOMO is “drink 3 glasses of this preparation daily (a glass before each main meal)”.

According to the portal your health, the water with lemon It is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis, reflux or irritable bowel, Well, the lemon itself is not the cause of these problems, but drinking its juice can cause irritation in the stomach or intestine.

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