TIROLER TAGESZEITUNG, editorial: “Of Arms and Peace”, by Florian Weißmann, issue of Sunday, April 16, 2023

What would the Brazilian President say if his country was attacked?

Innsbruck (OTS) A political solution is urgently needed in the Ukraine conflict. Stopping aid to Ukraine does not help.

During a visit to Beijing, Brazil’s head of state Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva demanded that arms deliveries to Ukraine be stopped; these would “promote the war”. This is true insofar as weapons enable Ukraine to defend itself against Russia’s illegal attack. Mind game: An overpowering opponent attacks Brazil. In that case, would Lula agree that the world shouldn’t help those who are being attacked because that encourages war?
However, Western weapons only help Ukraine continue to exist and perhaps improve its negotiating position. You will not end the conflict. And the prospect of a long war of attrition is a terrible one. A political solution is urgently needed – the sooner the better. Lula is right when he also demands that peace be talked about.
So far, one crucial prerequisite has been missing: the willingness in Moscow to move away from war aims and to stop the attack. The West is also trying to force Russia to do so with non-military means, namely sanctions. But states like China and India – and also Lula’s Brazil – have not joined. They even benefit from the fact that Russia now needs them even more.
Under these circumstances, it remains unclear how the entry into a political solution is to be successful. China could play a key role through its influence on Russia, which is why the Europeans are increasingly calling there. Lula even suggested a “peace club” with China. But without serious efforts, all that remains of the club is anti-Western self-portrayal. The demand that the attacked party be deprived of supplies and thus give the attacker an advantage is unlikely to bring peace any closer.

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