The Municipality of Córdoba presented the regime for the Development and Promotion of the audiovisual activity “Paola Suarez”

The Municipality of Córdoba and the Córdoba Acelera entity presented a benefits program and a catalog of locations to promote the growth of audiovisual productions in Córdoba Capital.

“This sector is not only a powerful generator of employment, but also helps the growth of tourism and the arrival of investors. We want Córdoba to continue to grow as a pole of attraction both nationally and regionally,” said Guillermo Acosta, Secretary of Economy and Director of Córdoba Acelera in statements released by an official statement.

“The accompaniment to the audiovisual sector radiates positively on other sectors of the economy,” said Acosta.

The Secretary of Culture Mariano Almada stressed, meanwhile, the importance of synergy between the public and private sectors to promote the audiovisual industry. “This promotion ordinance that we present is innovative, unique, and places the city in a cultural, artistic, and creative position and in attracting investments through the audiovisual industry. Tourism, the hotel industry, the creative industries are going to be contemplated and they are going to be working and generating employment, ”he said.

Benefits to audiovisual productions

  • The “Regime for the Promotion and Development of the Audiovisual Activity of the City of Córdoba ‘Paola Suarez'”, whose name is a tribute to the local producer who died in 2021, contemplates a series of benefits. Namely:
  • Establishes the creation of the Filming and Audiovisual Management Office, with the function of expediting permits and authorizations for audiovisual projects in the city.
  • Another axis is the Film Commission, made up of members of the public and private sectors, in charge of developing the activity and evaluating projects.
  • The “Cash rebate” program will be implemented, a system that grants exemptions from payment of services and reimbursement of part of the investment of activities related to audiovisual production.
  • The benefits for making films, series, advertisements, television programs and documentaries, can reach up to 100% exemption from certain permits and up to 80% of expense items, depending on the type of project.
  • Location catalogue. A catalog of locations was made available to offer in an organized way the diversity of scenographic proposals of Córdoba Capital and the website was launched in which information on the benefits for audiovisual production companies and the updated catalog of public locations are centralized.



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