Perfect smile without wearing lenses is it possible?

Social networks are full of photos of celebrities who have placed dental contact lenses or implanted veneers, making it seem that the natural smile is a thing of the past. However, reality doesn’t have to be like that.

As with any aesthetic procedure in excess, facets and contact lenses can become an exaggeration, causing damage to the teeth and even putting the health of users at risk. If the procedure is not individual and does not have adequate planning, the risks increase.

When to resort to lenses?

According to dentist Caroline Malavasi, PhD in Dentistry from UFF (Fluminense Federal University), veneers and lenses are an option for cases where natural teeth have malformation problems or have experienced trauma and fractures.

“There are specific indications for the placement of lenses and veneers. And these techniques are wonderful for restoring the self-esteem of patients who have chronic pigmentation, dental malformations and/or fractures”, says the specialist.

“It turns out that it is not always necessary to put it on all teeth and they are not always the only method for an ‘artist’ smile”, sustains Caroline.

Find out more and read Caroline Malavasi’s full interview on Saúde em Dia, partner of Metropolises.

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