FPÖ – Amesbauer zu Nehammer: “Media-effective productions do not solve the problem of illegal migration to Austria!” | Liberal Parliament Club

“The liberal 23-point package of measures immediately makes Austria uninteresting as an asylum location for illegal immigrants”

Vienna (OTS) “We finally need real border protection instead of the existing ‘Welcome Service’ from the ÖVP and the Greens, and determined pushbacks are also needed. Merely organizing media-effective productions for the ÖVP asylum PR at regular intervals is simply not enough and does not solve the problem of illegal migration to Austria.” With these words, FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer Statements by Nehammer on migration and asylum on the occasion of his “Chancellor Talks” yesterday.

“Nehammer can also save himself the countless trips made by the ÖVP Chancellor in matters of asylum and migration through world history at taxpayer expense, which only serves his expensive PR machine. The Austrians have long since seen through these ‘international excursions with no apparent effect’. For a quick end to this devastating asylum and migration policy by the ÖVP and the Greens, the FPÖ needs government responsibility,” said Amesbauer, who once more referred to the 23-point package of measures by the Freedom Party, with which Austria would immediately become uninteresting as an asylum location for illegal immigrants. “Therefore we need, among other things, exit centers, a general asylum freeze, real border protection including structural measures at so-called pressure points and the legalization of pushbacks,” demanded the FPÖ security spokesman.

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