Hearing aids reduce risk of dementia

A study published by the journal The Lancet, this Thursday (13/04), points out that people with hearing loss who do not use the corrective device have a 42% greater risk of developing dementia.

The survey was coordinated by hearing experts from China, Japan, Australia and the United States, using information from more than 430,000 people.

Previous studies had already indicated that people with hearing loss were more likely to suffer from dementia, but the novelty of this study is to suggest that the use of the device can even prevent the progression of this type of neurodegenerative problem.

“Our study shows that with the use of hearing aids, which are minimally invasive from a therapeutic point of view, it is possible to mitigate the impact of dementia related to hearing loss,” says Dongshan Zhu, professor at Shandong University, China, a of the study coordinators.

Device benefits

The study showed that the use of hearing aids was also effective for its second primary function: to contain hearing loss.

The data indicate that 75% of the study participants who used the device did not have any hearing loss over the 12 years of analyzed records.

“Approximately 80% of people who suffer hearing loss in the UK do not use any kind of correction device. Hearing loss usually occurs in people over the age of 40. We need to educate everyone to seek medical attention when they notice the signs and to use the device whenever it is recommended”, emphasizes Zhu.

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