Teleradiology brings diagnosis to remote regions

Most Brazilians, especially those who live in regions far from large centers and use the public health system, suffer from lack of access to health care. Long queues for the exams and the delay in obtaining the results, consequences of an overloaded system, are among the main complaints.

With the use of remote technology, however, what seemed to be an unsolvable equation has become a promising scenario. So much so that the Ministry of Health itself has a department dedicated to digital health and has highlighted the importance of telehealth for the development of the SUS (Unified Health System) and for meeting repressed demands.

In this context, teleradiology stands out as an option not only capable of reducing the time to perform tests and obtain results, but also as a safe and accurate alternative for completing a diagnosis. Reports that used to take up to six months to be ready can be finalized in 48 hours with remote diagnosis services.

According to radiologist Augusto Romão, CEO of One Laudos, this type of agility can mean the difference between life and death for a patient. “In case of emergency stroke suspicion, for example, it is possible to present the result in up to 30 minutes”, points out the specialist.

This is only possible because the analyzes take place remotely. In practice, the tests carried out arrive at a report center, which operates 24 hours a day and has a team of doctors from the most varied specialties. “The process gains agility, reaches distant places and allows the sharing of knowledge without the need for physical presence. What’s more, the results can be accessed by the physician via a cell phone application”, emphasizes Romão.

Currently, One Laudos, which operates both in the public and private systems, offers services to 110 hospitals and health centers throughout Brazil, serving an average of 185,000 patients per month. Among them are the performance of reports of imaging tests such as mammography, tomography, magnetic resonance and endoscopy.




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