Police headquarters reports 112 arrests made in Paris during rally.

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23h50 : The inter-union wants “keep the arm wrestling” with the government, said on franceinfo Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC. “The Constitutional Council ruled on the law. This does not mean that this law is not unfair, is not brutal”he continued.

23h44 : Good evening @marc81 No, the Elysée has not yet expressed itself, yet we thought, like you, that it would! She only let it be known that Emmanuel Macron should promulgate the law in the coming days (as required by the Constitution).

23h42 : Good evening once more, I just pulled up the info thread until 6 p.m. I therefore allow myself to reiterate my question: do you know of an official reaction from the Élysée, other than those of the ministers? THANKS

23h27 : If such a refusal was claimed by Emmanuel Macron, “it would therefore be a decision that might be criticized, but no body might sanction it”notes Thibaud Mulier.

23h25 : Nevertheless, “one might consider that the present tense formulation [sans impératif] does not impose the promulgation on the president”, advances the constitutionalist Thibaud Mulier. Socialist President François Mitterrand had thus refused to sign, during the first cohabitation in 1986, orders from his Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, providing for the privatization of 65 industrial groups.

23h26 : Can Emmanuel Macron not promulgate the law, as the opponents of the text demand? Article 10 of the Constitution provides that “the President of the Republic promulgates the laws within fifteen days following the transmission to the government of the law which has been definitively adopted”except in the event of referral to the Constitutional Council.

23h01 : Some demonstrators launch a caterpillar to close the demonstration in #Rennes#Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites https://t.co/4mye1LmQ7s

23h00 : Protesters launched a caterpillar in Rennes, reports a journalist from Telegrams. This is not the first time that protesters have danced in the Breton city during a demonstration. This dance had already been used April 6.

22h40 : Burglars smash windows at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes. https://t.co/I1ki4GOZqn

22h39 : While some radical demonstrators were trying to set fire to the entrance to the Tourist Office at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, the police charge. https://t.co/dPmcqyfH9C

22h39 : In Rennes, violent demonstrators tried to set fire to the entrance to the tourist office at the Couvent des Jacobins, reports Rennes Monthly. The police charged.

22h21 : Rail traffic has been suspended for around 8 p.m. at Saint-Charles station in Marseille due to the presence of demonstrators on the tracks, who then placed objects on the rails, according to SNCF announcements at the station.

22h16 : Many departures of fire Paris 11th, nocturnal demonstration in the sector. https://t.co/z0KmXNlIAJ

22h16 : Many fire starts take place in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, notes Rémy Buisine, journalist at Brut.

22h08 : Some 200 protesters opposed to the pension reform are currently blocking the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille???? Etienne Bonnot / FTV https://t.co/BibuPHFK3Z

22h08 : Some 200 demonstrators opposed to the pension reform blocked the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille, reports France 3 Provence.

21h59 : “I only apply the rules of law (…) My mission is to maintain the republican order”declares Laurent Nunez, prefect of police of Paris, regarding the demonstrators arrested in the capital.

21h58 : ???? Inter-union press release: RETIREES: IT’S NOT OVER! #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites #64AnsCestToujoursNon https://t.co/Qg1OcaRd6L

21h58 : “The inter-union asks Parliament for a new deliberation as provided for in article 10 of the Constitution, on the basis of a consultation centered on labor issues”express the high school student unions in a press release.

21h55 : “We started in a wild procession, individuals who overturned trash cans, set fires (…) Groups then spread through the streets of the capital. There were more than thirty firings trash cans”says the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez, on BFMTV.

21h53 : The degradations and attacks this evening in Rennes, once morest a police station and the Couvent des Jacobins, by thugs determined to do battle are unacceptable. Full support for the mobilized police and gendarmes. The perpetrators will be prosecuted.

21h53 : On Twitter, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin supports the police and denounces the degradations in Rennes.

9:48 p.m : In Bordeaux, an unauthorized demonstration took off on rue Sainte-Catherine, the city’s main shopping street. “Sainte-Soline we don’t forget, we don’t forgive”, chanted the demonstrators.

9:47 p.m : #Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites clash between demonstrators and police at rue du Mirail in #Bordeaux https://t.co/xb8rOQCiTl

9:47 p.m : Clashes took place between demonstrators and the police at rue du Mirail in Bordeaux, reports Rue89 Bordeaux.

21h38 : Intervention of the water cannon to put out a fire in front of the Jacobin convent in Rennes https://t.co/FZ6FHaeu3T

21h37 : A water cannon was dispatched to put out the fire in front of the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, reports France 3 Bretagne.

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the #ReformeDesRetraites invite themselves to the stage of @tnbrennes @festivalmythos #Rennes https://t.co/se7UE16F2k

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the reform took to the stage of the National Theater of Brittany in Rennes, reports France Bleu Armorique.

21h34 : With @Portes_Thomas, we went to see the young nassés rue Amlot. They will be taken into custody. Again, arbitrary arrests, most will be released tomorrow… How long will it last, Mr. Macron? Withdraw this reform! #Article12

21h34 : “It’s been several times that young people, and it’s always young people, have been arrested, put in the police station, and released because we have nothing to blame them for. In a state of law, it’s not normal”, denounced at the microphone of Actu Paris, the deputy LFI Antoine Léaument. The chosen one went on site in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

9:31 p.m : About fifty young people are still nasses for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations” rue Amelot in #Paris @actufrparis https://t.co/EvdcKw0WVD

9:31 p.m : Rue Amelot in Paris, demonstrators are nasses by the police for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations”, reports a journalist fromNews Paris.

21h29 : “The Constitutional Council has just declared that the law on pensions complies with our Constitution. I am delighted because this reform is essential to guarantee the level of pensions, today and tomorrow”reacted on franceinfo, Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate.

9:24 p.m : “Now that there is fire in the country, we are not going to come and tell us that we have to serve as firefighters while talking regarding something else”warns on franceinfo Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary FO, in charge of pensions.

21h22 : There are a lot of people in the streets of the historic center of #Rennes tonight https://t.co/cbEHdHFoPO

21h21 : Fire takes to the facade of the police station #Rennes https://t.co/AJjwGeikVo

21h21 : In Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), the police station on rue Penhoët is on fire. There are always many people in the streets of the city center, reports West France.

20h57 : Spontaneous demonstrations in the streets of #Paris#Conseil_Constitutionnel https://t.co/Pg8iC2OJWH

21h05 : A Mexican journalist, correspondent in Paris, films the Parisian procession, which chants “Even if Macron does not want to, we are here”a slogan popularized by the “yellow vests” and heard during previous demonstrations.

20h40 : After an attempt to reach the Elysée Palace, the demonstrators were repulsed and headed for the 4th arrondissement, noted a journalist from France Télévisions.

20h41 : Good evening @beaver fuzzy, concerning the first request of RIP, the Council considers that it is not in conformity with the Constitution. RIP’s proposal was to ask the French whether they want, yes or no, to limit the legal retirement age to 62 years. However, the Council considers in its decision that the application “does not entail a change in the state of the law” since, as things currently stand, the retirement age is already set at 62 years.

20h34 : Good evening FI, can we know the reasons for rejection of the RIP by the Constitutional Council?

20h41 : The CGT plans to mobilize on April 20 and 28. The trade unionist specifies that April 20 will bring “specifically on the question of pensions” and April 28 “on pensions and on deaths at work”.

20h42 : In Paris, the demonstrators improvised a procession. Members of the Brav-M were seen in the streets of the capital.



20h22 : Procession in disorder between the Place de Metz and the Rue de Strasbourg in #Grenoble, a hundred people disperse then gather according to the throwing of tear gas canisters #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/ovx05blhsA

20h22 : The first tear gas canisters are heard on the route of the demonstrators in #Grenoble, between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/LuT6Qnokz5

20h22 : In Grenoble (Isère), the situation is slightly tense around the Place de Verdun, notes France Bleu Isère. The first tear gas canisters were heard on the route of the demonstrators between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson.

20h19 : “The fight goes on”said Thomas Ménagé, spokesperson for the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly, on France Inter. “What the law does, the law can undo”he adds.

20h17 : “We will see how many people will be mobilized on May 1. We are calling for massive demonstrations”.

(Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

Find here all of our live #RETIREMENTS

23h50 : The inter-union wants “keep the arm wrestling” with the government, said on franceinfo Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC. “The Constitutional Council ruled on the law. This does not mean that this law is not unfair, is not brutal”he continued.

23h44 : Good evening @marc81 No, the Elysée has not yet expressed itself, yet we thought, like you, that it would! She only let it be known that Emmanuel Macron should promulgate the law in the coming days (as required by the Constitution).

23h42 : Good evening once more, I just pulled up the info thread until 6 p.m. I therefore allow myself to reiterate my question: do you know of an official reaction from the Élysée, other than those of the ministers? THANKS

23h27 : If such a refusal was claimed by Emmanuel Macron, “it would therefore be a decision that might be criticized, but no body might sanction it”notes Thibaud Mulier.

23h25 : Nevertheless, “one might consider that the present tense formulation [sans impératif] does not impose the promulgation on the president”, advances the constitutionalist Thibaud Mulier. Socialist President François Mitterrand had thus refused to sign, during the first cohabitation in 1986, orders from his Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, providing for the privatization of 65 industrial groups.

23h26 : Can Emmanuel Macron not promulgate the law, as the opponents of the text demand? Article 10 of the Constitution provides that “the President of the Republic promulgates the laws within fifteen days following the transmission to the government of the law which has been definitively adopted”except in the event of referral to the Constitutional Council.

23h01 : Some demonstrators launch a caterpillar to close the demonstration in #Rennes#Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites https://t.co/4mye1LmQ7s

23h00 : Protesters launched a caterpillar in Rennes, reports a journalist from Telegrams. This is not the first time that protesters have danced in the Breton city during a demonstration. This dance had already been used April 6.

22h40 : Burglars smash windows at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes. https://t.co/I1ki4GOZqn

22h39 : While some radical demonstrators were trying to set fire to the entrance to the Tourist Office at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, the police charge. https://t.co/dPmcqyfH9C

22h39 : In Rennes, violent demonstrators tried to set fire to the entrance to the tourist office at the Couvent des Jacobins, reports Rennes Monthly. The police charged.

22h21 : Rail traffic has been suspended for around 8 p.m. at Saint-Charles station in Marseille due to the presence of demonstrators on the tracks, who then placed objects on the rails, according to SNCF announcements at the station.

22h16 : Many departures of fire Paris 11th, nocturnal demonstration in the sector. https://t.co/z0KmXNlIAJ

22h16 : Many fire starts take place in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, notes Rémy Buisine, journalist at Brut.

22h08 : Some 200 protesters opposed to the pension reform are currently blocking the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille???? Etienne Bonnot / FTV https://t.co/BibuPHFK3Z

22h08 : Some 200 demonstrators opposed to the pension reform blocked the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille, reports France 3 Provence.

21h59 : “I only apply the rules of law (…) My mission is to maintain the republican order”declares Laurent Nunez, prefect of police of Paris, regarding the demonstrators arrested in the capital.

21h58 : ???? Inter-union press release: RETIREES: IT’S NOT OVER! #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites #64AnsCestToujoursNon https://t.co/Qg1OcaRd6L

21h58 : “The inter-union asks Parliament for a new deliberation as provided for in article 10 of the Constitution, on the basis of a consultation centered on labor issues”express the high school student unions in a press release.

21h55 : “We started in a wild procession, individuals who overturned trash cans, set fires (…) Groups then spread through the streets of the capital. There were more than thirty firings trash cans”says the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez, on BFMTV.

21h53 : The degradations and attacks this evening in Rennes, once morest a police station and the Couvent des Jacobins, by thugs determined to do battle are unacceptable. Full support for the mobilized police and gendarmes. The perpetrators will be prosecuted.

21h53 : On Twitter, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin supports the police and denounces the degradations in Rennes.

9:48 p.m : In Bordeaux, an unauthorized demonstration took off on rue Sainte-Catherine, the city’s main shopping street. “Sainte-Soline we don’t forget, we don’t forgive”, chanted the demonstrators.

9:47 p.m : #Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites clash between demonstrators and police at rue du Mirail in #Bordeaux https://t.co/xb8rOQCiTl

9:47 p.m : Clashes took place between demonstrators and the police at rue du Mirail in Bordeaux, reports Rue89 Bordeaux.

21h38 : Intervention of the water cannon to put out a fire in front of the Jacobin convent in Rennes https://t.co/FZ6FHaeu3T

21h37 : A water cannon was dispatched to put out the fire in front of the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, reports France 3 Bretagne.

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the #ReformeDesRetraites invite themselves to the stage of @tnbrennes @festivalmythos #Rennes https://t.co/se7UE16F2k

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the reform took to the stage of the National Theater of Brittany in Rennes, reports France Bleu Armorique.

21h34 : With @Portes_Thomas, we went to see the young nassés rue Amlot. They will be taken into custody. Again, arbitrary arrests, most will be released tomorrow… How long will it last, Mr. Macron? Withdraw this reform! #Article12

21h34 : “It’s been several times that young people, and it’s always young people, have been arrested, put in the police station, and released because we have nothing to blame them for. In a state of law, it’s not normal”, denounced at the microphone of Actu Paris, the deputy LFI Antoine Léaument. The chosen one went on site in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

9:31 p.m : About fifty young people are still nasses for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations” rue Amelot in #Paris @actufrparis https://t.co/EvdcKw0WVD

9:31 p.m : Rue Amelot in Paris, demonstrators are nasses by the police for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations”, reports a journalist fromNews Paris.

21h29 : “The Constitutional Council has just declared that the law on pensions complies with our Constitution. I am delighted because this reform is essential to guarantee the level of pensions, today and tomorrow”reacted on franceinfo, Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate.

9:24 p.m : “Now that there is fire in the country, we are not going to come and tell us that we have to serve as firefighters while talking regarding something else”warns on franceinfo Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary FO, in charge of pensions.

21h22 : There are a lot of people in the streets of the historic center of #Rennes tonight https://t.co/cbEHdHFoPO

21h21 : Fire takes to the facade of the police station #Rennes https://t.co/AJjwGeikVo

21h21 : In Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), the police station on rue Penhoët is on fire. There are always many people in the streets of the city center, reports West France.

20h57 : Spontaneous demonstrations in the streets of #Paris#Conseil_Constitutionnel https://t.co/Pg8iC2OJWH

21h05 : A Mexican journalist, correspondent in Paris, films the Parisian procession, which chants “Even if Macron does not want to, we are here”a slogan popularized by the “yellow vests” and heard during previous demonstrations.

20h40 : After an attempt to reach the Elysée Palace, the demonstrators were repulsed and headed for the 4th arrondissement, noted a journalist from France Télévisions.

20h41 : Good evening @beaver fuzzy, concerning the first request of RIP, the Council considers that it is not in conformity with the Constitution. RIP’s proposal was to ask the French whether they want, yes or no, to limit the legal retirement age to 62 years. However, the Council considers in its decision that the application “does not entail a change in the state of the law” since, as things currently stand, the retirement age is already set at 62 years.

20h34 : Good evening FI, can we know the reasons for rejection of the RIP by the Constitutional Council?

20h41 : The CGT plans to mobilize on April 20 and 28. The trade unionist specifies that April 20 will bring “specifically on the question of pensions” and April 28 “on pensions and on deaths at work”.

20h42 : In Paris, the demonstrators improvised a procession. Members of the Brav-M were seen in the streets of the capital.



20h22 : Procession in disorder between the Place de Metz and the Rue de Strasbourg in #Grenoble, a hundred people disperse then gather according to the throwing of tear gas canisters #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/ovx05blhsA

20h22 : The first tear gas canisters are heard on the route of the demonstrators in #Grenoble, between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/LuT6Qnokz5

20h22 : In Grenoble (Isère), the situation is slightly tense around the Place de Verdun, notes France Bleu Isère. The first tear gas canisters were heard on the route of the demonstrators between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson.

20h19 : “The fight goes on”said Thomas Ménagé, spokesperson for the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly, on France Inter. “What the law does, the law can undo”he adds.

20h17 : “We will see how many people will be mobilized on May 1. We are calling for massive demonstrations”.

(Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)

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Find here all of our live #RETIREMENTS

23h50 : The inter-union wants “keep the arm wrestling” with the government, said on franceinfo Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC. “The Constitutional Council ruled on the law. This does not mean that this law is not unfair, is not brutal”he continued.

23h44 : Good evening @marc81 No, the Elysée has not yet expressed itself, yet we thought, like you, that it would! She only let it be known that Emmanuel Macron should promulgate the law in the coming days (as required by the Constitution).

23h42 : Good evening once more, I just pulled up the info thread until 6 p.m. I therefore allow myself to reiterate my question: do you know of an official reaction from the Élysée, other than those of the ministers? THANKS

23h27 : If such a refusal was claimed by Emmanuel Macron, “it would therefore be a decision that might be criticized, but no body might sanction it”notes Thibaud Mulier.

23h25 : Nevertheless, “one might consider that the present tense formulation [sans impératif] does not impose the promulgation on the president”, advances the constitutionalist Thibaud Mulier. Socialist President François Mitterrand had thus refused to sign, during the first cohabitation in 1986, orders from his Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, providing for the privatization of 65 industrial groups.

23h26 : Can Emmanuel Macron not promulgate the law, as the opponents of the text demand? Article 10 of the Constitution provides that “the President of the Republic promulgates the laws within fifteen days following the transmission to the government of the law which has been definitively adopted”except in the event of referral to the Constitutional Council.

23h01 : Some demonstrators launch a caterpillar to close the demonstration in #Rennes#Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites https://t.co/4mye1LmQ7s

23h00 : Protesters launched a caterpillar in Rennes, reports a journalist from Telegrams. This is not the first time that protesters have danced in the Breton city during a demonstration. This dance had already been used April 6.

22h40 : Burglars smash windows at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes. https://t.co/I1ki4GOZqn

22h39 : While some radical demonstrators were trying to set fire to the entrance to the Tourist Office at the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, the police charge. https://t.co/dPmcqyfH9C

22h39 : In Rennes, violent demonstrators tried to set fire to the entrance to the tourist office at the Couvent des Jacobins, reports Rennes Monthly. The police charged.

22h21 : Rail traffic has been suspended for around 8 p.m. at Saint-Charles station in Marseille due to the presence of demonstrators on the tracks, who then placed objects on the rails, according to SNCF announcements at the station.

22h16 : Many departures of fire Paris 11th, nocturnal demonstration in the sector. https://t.co/z0KmXNlIAJ

22h16 : Many fire starts take place in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, notes Rémy Buisine, journalist at Brut.

22h08 : Some 200 protesters opposed to the pension reform are currently blocking the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille???? Etienne Bonnot / FTV https://t.co/BibuPHFK3Z

22h08 : Some 200 demonstrators opposed to the pension reform blocked the tracks of Saint-Charles station in Marseille, reports France 3 Provence.

21h59 : “I only apply the rules of law (…) My mission is to maintain the republican order”declares Laurent Nunez, prefect of police of Paris, regarding the demonstrators arrested in the capital.

21h58 : ???? Inter-union press release: RETIREES: IT’S NOT OVER! #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetaites #64AnsCestToujoursNon https://t.co/Qg1OcaRd6L

21h58 : “The inter-union asks Parliament for a new deliberation as provided for in article 10 of the Constitution, on the basis of a consultation centered on labor issues”express the high school student unions in a press release.

21h55 : “We started in a wild procession, individuals who overturned trash cans, set fires (…) Groups then spread through the streets of the capital. There were more than thirty firings trash cans”says the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez, on BFMTV.

21h53 : The degradations and attacks this evening in Rennes, once morest a police station and the Couvent des Jacobins, by thugs determined to do battle are unacceptable. Full support for the mobilized police and gendarmes. The perpetrators will be prosecuted.

21h53 : On Twitter, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin supports the police and denounces the degradations in Rennes.

9:48 p.m : In Bordeaux, an unauthorized demonstration took off on rue Sainte-Catherine, the city’s main shopping street. “Sainte-Soline we don’t forget, we don’t forgive”, chanted the demonstrators.

9:47 p.m : #Conseil_Constitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites clash between demonstrators and police at rue du Mirail in #Bordeaux https://t.co/xb8rOQCiTl

9:47 p.m : Clashes took place between demonstrators and the police at rue du Mirail in Bordeaux, reports Rue89 Bordeaux.

21h38 : Intervention of the water cannon to put out a fire in front of the Jacobin convent in Rennes https://t.co/FZ6FHaeu3T

21h37 : A water cannon was dispatched to put out the fire in front of the Couvent des Jacobins in Rennes, reports France 3 Bretagne.

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the #ReformeDesRetraites invite themselves to the stage of @tnbrennes @festivalmythos #Rennes https://t.co/se7UE16F2k

21h36 : Protesters opposed to the reform took to the stage of the National Theater of Brittany in Rennes, reports France Bleu Armorique.

21h34 : With @Portes_Thomas, we went to see the young nassés rue Amlot. They will be taken into custody. Again, arbitrary arrests, most will be released tomorrow… How long will it last, Mr. Macron? Withdraw this reform! #Article12

21h34 : “It’s been several times that young people, and it’s always young people, have been arrested, put in the police station, and released because we have nothing to blame them for. In a state of law, it’s not normal”, denounced at the microphone of Actu Paris, the deputy LFI Antoine Léaument. The chosen one went on site in the 11th arrondissement of Paris.

9:31 p.m : About fifty young people are still nasses for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations” rue Amelot in #Paris @actufrparis https://t.co/EvdcKw0WVD

9:31 p.m : Rue Amelot in Paris, demonstrators are nasses by the police for “participation in a group with a view to committing degradations”, reports a journalist fromNews Paris.

21h29 : “The Constitutional Council has just declared that the law on pensions complies with our Constitution. I am delighted because this reform is essential to guarantee the level of pensions, today and tomorrow”reacted on franceinfo, Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR group in the Senate.

9:24 p.m : “Now that there is fire in the country, we are not going to come and tell us that we have to serve as firefighters while talking regarding something else”warns on franceinfo Michel Beaugas, confederal secretary FO, in charge of pensions.

21h22 : There are a lot of people in the streets of the historic center of #Rennes tonight https://t.co/cbEHdHFoPO

21h21 : Fire takes to the facade of the police station #Rennes https://t.co/AJjwGeikVo

21h21 : In Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), the police station on rue Penhoët is on fire. There are always many people in the streets of the city center, reports West France.

20h57 : Spontaneous demonstrations in the streets of #Paris#Conseil_Constitutionnel https://t.co/Pg8iC2OJWH

21h05 : A Mexican journalist, correspondent in Paris, films the Parisian procession, which chants “Even if Macron does not want to, we are here”a slogan popularized by the “yellow vests” and heard during previous demonstrations.

20h40 : After an attempt to reach the Elysée Palace, the demonstrators were repulsed and headed for the 4th arrondissement, noted a journalist from France Télévisions.

20h41 : Good evening @beaver fuzzy, concerning the first request of RIP, the Council considers that it is not in conformity with the Constitution. RIP’s proposal was to ask the French whether they want, yes or no, to limit the legal retirement age to 62 years. However, the Council considers in its decision that the application “does not entail a change in the state of the law” since, as things currently stand, the retirement age is already set at 62 years.

20h34 : Good evening FI, can we know the reasons for rejection of the RIP by the Constitutional Council?

20h41 : The CGT plans to mobilize on April 20 and 28. The trade unionist specifies that April 20 will bring “specifically on the question of pensions” and April 28 “on pensions and on deaths at work”.

20h42 : In Paris, the demonstrators improvised a procession. Members of the Brav-M were seen in the streets of the capital.



20h22 : Procession in disorder between the Place de Metz and the Rue de Strasbourg in #Grenoble, a hundred people disperse then gather according to the throwing of tear gas canisters #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/ovx05blhsA

20h22 : The first tear gas canisters are heard on the route of the demonstrators in #Grenoble, between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson #ConseilConstitutionnel #ReformeDesRetraites https://t.co/LuT6Qnokz5

20h22 : In Grenoble (Isère), the situation is slightly tense around the Place de Verdun, notes France Bleu Isère. The first tear gas canisters were heard on the route of the demonstrators between Place de Verdun and Place Vaucanson.

20h19 : “The fight goes on”said Thomas Ménagé, spokesperson for the National Rally (RN) group in the Assembly, on France Inter. “What the law does, the law can undo”he adds.

20h17 : “We will see how many people will be mobilized on May 1. We are calling for massive demonstrations”.

(Christophe ARCHAMBAULT / AFP)



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