The Ministry of Agriculture on the import of agri-food products from Ukraine: The problem will be addressed unitarily, not separately, by Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary

The ministers of agriculture from Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary discussed on Friday in a video conference the situation created on the markets of the 6 member states by the import of agri-food products from Ukraine. It was agreed that these problems should not be addressed separately, but in a unitary manner by the six member states, announces the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture, according to

Petre Daea, Minister of AgriculturePhoto: Agepres

“Today, the meeting of the ministers of agriculture from Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary took place via video conference, which started at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 11:47 a.m. During the videoconference, the situation created on the markets of the 6 member states by the import of agri-food products from Ukraine was discussed.

This meeting continues the approach taken by the prime ministers of Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, respectively the president of Bulgaria, who signed a letter addressed to the President of the European Commission, requesting concrete measures to improve the situation. During the videoconference, we agreed that these problems should not be addressed separately, but in a unitary manner by the six member states”, states the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture.

It was also agreed that the experts of the respective ministries should draw up an information, which they would approve at a political level, following which it would be presented both within the Council of Ministers of Agriculture on April 25, and to the European Commissioners for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski and respectively for Trade, Valdis Dombrovskis.

The text of the notification will be established by mutual agreement, the Ministry of Agriculture also states.



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