10 foods that make you hungrier

Muffins, donuts, French fries, etc.

White flour, sugar, and fat muffins are considered hunger-inducing foods. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is natural to relieve hunger when you eat food. This is because the signal that the stomach is full is transmitted to the brain to feel satiety. Feeling hungry is the result of a complex interaction between the stomach, intestines, brain, pancreas, and bloodstream, not just food.

As many organs and tissues are intertwined, the simple structure that eating food can appease hunger is fragile. According to scientists, some foods actually make you feel hungrier the more you eat them. Here are the foods that cause hunger to avoid, introduced by the US health and medical media, ‘Web MD’.


A croissant is a crescent-shaped bread that is lightly toasted with butter. Many people eat it for breakfast, like a cup of caffe latte. However, the bread scored low on the satiety index, which measures how well it satisfies hunger. It contains a lot of unhealthy things such as refined white flour and fat, and although it is high in calories, it has been found that it does not satisfy hunger. Instead, add an egg to whole-grain toast to keep you full until lunch.


Muffins are bread made by adding sugar, fat, milk, eggs, baking powder, etc. to flour and baking them in an oven using molds. Filled with white flour, sugar, and fat, muffins won’t satisfy your hunger and are high in calories.

△egg white

In order to reduce calories, there are cases in which the egg yolk is removed and only the egg white is eaten. This will prevent you from feeling full. The yolk is considered a ‘complete protein’ thanks to the amino acids that the body uses to build cells. In addition, recent studies have shown that the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in eggs is not bad for the body.

Cereals with artificial sweeteners

Foods that are artificially sweetened with artificial sweeteners can affect blood sugar and actually cause hunger. This is because when you taste sweet without the calories, your body is still looking for a supply of calories.

△Fruit juice

Fruit juice does not have the fiber found in fresh fruit. The fiber in fruits like apples and grapes makes you feel full and helps the sugar to be absorbed slowly into your bloodstream. Without fiber, blood sugar spikes and then drops quickly, which can make you hungry.

△White bread

White bread is made from white flour from which the hulls of grains have been removed. This means that a significant portion of the fiber in the grain has been removed. If you cut out the fiber, your calorie intake will remain the same, but your intake will increase. Eating white bread also causes insulin levels to rise rapidly. Insulin levels rise as rapidly as they fall. This phenomenon causes hunger.

△ French fries

Baking or boiling potatoes can satisfy hunger better than any other food. However, if you fry and cook with salt, most of these effects are lost. French fries are high in fat and salt and make you eat more of other foods.


Donuts have been called “sugar bombs” that pack calories with no nutrition whatsoever. White flour quickly breaks down into sugar, and the polish you apply to the surface causes your blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly, making you hungry once more.

△ carbonated drinks

The problem is artificial sweeteners, which are mainly found in soda. Artificial sweeteners stimulate brain cells to receive sweet food. This process affects the parts of the brain that control hunger, resulting in more sugary foods.

△Salty sweets

After eating salty snacks like potato chips, I want to eat sweet snacks. Salty snacks, like simple carbohydrates, are digested quickly and cause rapid changes in insulin levels. As insulin levels drop rapidly, sugary foods automatically crave. In other words, salty snacks cannot satisfy hunger. Rather, it only stimulates the appetite for sweet food.



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