Super Poll Uncovers Fresh Insights on Election Outcome: Overwhelming Victory with 160 Seats, 121 Seats for PPP, and 64 Seats for PPP, with 43 More to Follow.

Super Poll conducted a study on the 3rd MP election poll, presenting new information regarding potential land slides. The study consisted of 53,094,778 voters across the country, with an estimated 6,073 samples taken between April 5-13, 2023. The survey found that 61.4% of people intended to vote, while 38.6% of people would not go to the polls.

The results estimate the number of 500 seats and the percentage of representatives for each political party. Pheu Thai received 160 seats, followed by Bhumjaithai with 121, Palang Pracharat with 64, Democrat with 52, Total Thai Sang Nation with 43, and Going Beyond with 22.

The study found no overall land slide with any political party in the entire country; however, it might occur in some regions. The southern region has signs of a potential land slide for the Democrat Party, while the Bhumjaithai Party may gain support in different sectors. The Pheu Thai Party will have strong support in the upper Northeast and North, with the Bhumjai Thai Party dominant in the lower Northeast, and the Palang Pracharat Party in the Korat and lower Northeast. The central region will have a mix of different political parties. The results of the 4th MP election by region will be presented on Sunday, April 16.

Super Poll reveals new information, land slides ? Pheu Thai only got 160 seats, followed by Bhumjaithai 121, Palang Pracharat 64, Democrat 52, Total Thai Sang Nation 43, Going Beyond 22, reflecting a land slide that does not exist with any political party.

April 14, 2023 – Super Poll Research Office (SUPER POLL) presents the results of the study on the 3rd MP election poll: new information, land slides? A case study of people who have the right to vote for representatives (MPs) of all occupations across the country aged 18 years and over in 400 constituencies and the estimated results of the number of 100 seats of representatives or MPs on the list of each political party. 53,094,778 voters across the country conducting a project to study data sources, both quantitative research (Quantitative Research) and Qualitative Research (Qualitative Research) The number of samples in the study to estimate a total of 6,073 samples between April 5-13, 2023, with an error of sample size of plus or minus 5 percent in 95 percent confidence interval

What is worth considering is that the survey found that most, or 61.4 percent, intended to vote for MPs this time, or estimated that regarding 32,600,194 MPs or more than 30 million people would go out to vote. People across the country who will go out to vote. However, 38.6 percent will not go or regarding 20 million people will not go to vote this time.

interesting is The results of the study estimate the number of 500 seats and the percentage of the number of seats of representatives or MPs of each political party, the lowest to the highest number of each political party, categorized both constituency MPs and MPs. The list is as follows: Pheu Thai Party will get 133 seats or 33.3 per cent of the number of seats 400 constituency MPs and 27 party-list MPs, in total, the Pheu Thai Party will receive 160 seats, with the lowest value of 135 seats and the highest value being 185 seats belonging to the Pheu Thai Party. In this study

While the political party that will receive the second number of representatives or MPs, Bhumjaithai Party, will receive 101 seats of representatives or MPs or 25.3 percent of all 400 constituency MPs and is expected to can 20 Bhumjaithai Party-list MPs. In total, the Bhumjaithai Party won 121 seats, with the lowest being 96 seats and the highest being 146 seats belonging to the Bhumjaithai Party in this study.

And the political party that is expected to receive the third number of MPs seats, namely Palang Pracharat Party, will receive 53 MPs or constituency MPs, or 13.3 percent of all 400 constituency MPs, and is expected to can Palang Pracharat party-list MPs with 11 seats. In total, Palang Pracharat will win 64 seats, with the lowest of 39 seats and the highest of 89 seats belonging to the Palang Pracharat Party in this study.

Fourth place is the Democratic Party. will get the number of seats of 44 constituency MPs and is expected to MPs for the Democrat Party’s list of 8 seats, in total, the Democrat Party will receive 52 seats, with the lowest value of 27 seats and the highest value of 77 seats. The fifth place is the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party. Will get the number of seats, 35 constituency MPs and 8 party-list MPs, in total, the Ruam Thai Sang Chart Party will get 43 seats, with a minimum of 18 seats and a maximum of 68 seats.

What is worth considering is that the Kao Klai Party gained the number of MPs in constituencies. was in sixth place, getting 10 seats, but party-list MPs were in third place, ie getting 12 seats, in total, the Progressive Party would get 22 seats, with the highest number of seats being 47, while other parties would get 24 constituency MPs and 14 party-list MPs, for a total of 38 seats, with a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 63.

The SuperPol report said new data in the study suggests that Landslides do not exist with any political party in the whole country. But it may occur in some areas, such as the southern region that still finds The Democrat Party has signs of a land slide that may have ceded provinces in many areas, especially in the Gulf of Thailand, while the Bhumjaithai Party will be inserted in different sectors in a way that almost land slides But the Pheu Thai Party will have a fairly clear picture in the land slides in the upper Northeast and North, but will have the Bhumjai Thai Party in the lower Northeast, with the Palang Pracharat Party dominant in Korat and lower Northeast as well, such as Prachinburi, Sa Kaeo, etc. The northern region is still clear in the Pheu Thai Party. But the central region will be characterized by a combination of different political parties in the area. In addition, the results of the 4th MP election by region will be presented on Sunday, April 16.

The latest report from the Super Poll Research Office has given us new insight into the 3rd MP election poll. With data collected from over 53 million voters across the country, we now have a clearer picture of the number of seats each political party is expected to win. While there are no clear land slides across the entire country, certain regions are showing signs of political dominance from specific parties. It will be interesting to see how the results of the 4th MP election play out by region. It is clear that every vote will count and we encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote.



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