Dubai police arrested a group of Latinos who committed thefts in villas in various places

Dubai – The Dubai Police arrested a group of four Latinos who robbed villas in different places in the emirate and targeted a bank user through ‘Microscope Operation’. Police said they stole cash, jewelery and watches worth Dh20 lakh.

The gang ransacked the villas while the owners were out of the country on holiday. They were caught while trying to rob a bank customer who had withdrawn money from an ATM.

Burglary by ensuring that the owners are not present; ‘Microscope Operation’ Trapped

The gang was part of an international criminal gang. The arrest was made during the investigation conducted by the police following starting ‘microscope operation’. Gang members were followed and their movements inside and outside the country were monitored. Major General Jamal Salem Al Jallaf, Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigations, said that the investigation began following the police received seven reports of thefts taking place in the villas.

Burglars enter villas by breaking down doors when residents are not present. Al Jallaf stated that Dubai Police formed a working team from the General Department of Investigations and Criminal Investigations to follow up on the reports and find the perpetrators and subsequently identified the four Latinos. The investigation team found that the Latino gang was able to leave the country before the thefts were reported. They were entering the neighboring country through the land border.

The investigation team was sure that they had gone to the Middle East country and not to their own country. Then there was the anticipation of their return. About a month later, the investigative team was able to monitor Latinos entering the country through CCTV cameras. They were allowed to enter the country and their movements were monitored to ascertain whether anyone from within the country was supporting the gang or helping to hide the stolen goods. The investigation team was monitoring them round the clock. The group had changed their car to another one to avoid the police watching them. All these moves were understood by the officials.

Failing to commit theft in villas

Al Jallaf explained that the gang members were unable to carry out the robbery following the Dubai Police took precautionary measures to reduce crime. The Home Security Program overseen by the Dubai Police has increased security by including the public by appointing guards in residential complexes, installing cameras and ensuring lighting in dark areas.

Bank customers are also targeted

Officials added that the gang tried to extort Dh60,000 from a bank user. They chased the person coming from the bank with money, punctured his vehicle’s tire and stole the money. But this crime was observed by the police and the robbery gang was caught red-handed.

The charges were admitted

The gang members admitted robbing seven villas apart from robbing an Asian man of his money following withdrawing money from an ATM machine. They also admitted that they have committed similar thefts in other countries. Dubai Police is liaising with Interpol to pass on information to these countries.

Smart Home Security Program

Police advised the community to register for the Smart Home Security Program. To enhance security, Dubai Police has requested citizens and residents to subscribe to the “Smart Home Security” program service through the Dubai Police smartphone application and the Dubai Police website.

The Deputy Director of the General Department of Criminal Investigations, Bri. Muhammad Akhil Ahli explained. Homes are monitored through surveillance cameras and sensors to enhance security. Mohammad Akhil Ahli asked the villa owners to install external home surveillance cameras to further enhance the security of the villas.

Illegal workers

It was also requested not to violate labor laws by bringing in unauthorized workers or unlicensed companies to carry out repairs in the houses. It explained that most of the house robbery cases registered with them were due to these violations.

Warning to bank customers

Al Jallaf stressed the importance of not withdrawing large sums of money from banks. Also, people should exercise extreme caution when carrying large sums of money and walking on the streets. One should avoid tricks such as puncture the tires of the vehicle used by gang members to extort money.

He called on the community to increase security and reduce crime by reporting illegal encroachments through the “Police Eye” service provided by the department on its smart application or by calling the call center 901 or emergency number – 999.

English Summary : Dubai Police bust gang behind villa robberies, theft of cash, goods worth Dh2 million



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