Diablo 4 is not going to move away from the ARPG style, but there is good news for those who enjoy MMO-type games – Diablo IV

Blizzard highlights all the contents of the Battle Passes, which will give us an excuse to invest almost 80 hours of gameplay.

2023 is marked by many important releases, and Diablo IV is on this prestigious list. And it is that, despite the fact that the saga already has thousands of fans around the world, Blizzard does nothing more than raise the expectations of the community describing his next installment as “the best Diablo of all Diablo games“. After all, there will be content both for those who enjoy experiences action RPG as well as for those who prefer something more along the lines of the MMO.

In a group interview attended by PC Gamer, Associate Director Joe Piepiora admits that the development team had a lot of doubts regarding where they should draw the line between ARPG and MMO. However, the legacy of the franchise made it very clear: “The answer is that Diablo IV is first a action RPG“, he explains in the talk. “It’s a game of dungeon exploration, monster slaying and loot collecting.”

In this way, and although the open world with other users invites us to think regarding massive multiplayer, this is nothing more than a strategy to make the Sanctuary feel bigger: “In Diablo, everyone can do damage,” continues Piepiora. “The fantasy of playing a devil’s game, in many cases, tries to do builds highly powered y blow up screens full of monsters at some point, and have that kind of experience. We want to make sure that those elements are preserved where we don’t have to worry regarding trying to create a set of curated balances between multiple players in a group where they have to work together in a very particular way.”

Diablo III’s endgame might be enjoyed almost to infinity, as it offered ways to improve the character through the Paragon system. However, and although Diablo IV does not intend to do without this mechanic, from Blizzard they point to a limitation on the number of Paragon points that can be obtained: “One thing we want to make clear is that we are not trying to create a situation where players feel like they have to play forever“continues the associate director. “We want users of Diablo 4 to play and enjoy the experience while playing the game.”

80 hours of gameplay to complete the contents of the Battle Pass

“We want you to get to a certain point, once you hit level 100, where you have 220 of these Paragon points that you’re playing with, you have all the skill points that you’ve already assigned to your character, and you have your legendary items. and unique, so now it’s time to set up the table exactly the way you want it,” the manager explained in the interview.

And what do Seasons and Battle Passes bring? Well, according to Piepiora’s statements, these elements will add a lot of content to Diablo IV: “Right now, with the Battle Pass, when you think regarding completing the Season journey along with other content in the game, you can expect almost 80 hours of time invested in completing the entire Battle Pass. Leveling a character to level 100 can take a bit longer depending on how you play.”

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