The “Team Work Competition” in “Spratun 3” is limited to groups only! Individual entries will be supported in the future! -funglr Games

The upcoming Nintendo Switch “Spradun 3“Mr. Xiong Chamber of Commerce Activities”team work competition」。
The content of this game isRepeatedly play five fixed part-time job scenarios,andNumber of golden salmon roe submitted by competition, Pay more attention to teamwork than ordinary part-time jobs. In order to prepare for this competition, many people stayed in Mr. Xiong’s chamber of commerce and worked hard, concentrating on improving their skills.
The top few teams will get a more luxuriouscommemorative stickers,and1st to 3rd place teams will also be commended on SNS
Only a few days before the competition, the “Team Work Competition” has finally announced the entry conditions.

Kumasan Shokai’s internal event “Part-Time Team Contest” will be held! Aim for a high score in a fixed scenario!

Group entries only! Individual participation is not allowed!

Spratun Official Twitter(@SplatoonJP) announced that this season’s “Team Work Competition”Play only in team player mode
Although the future willIndividual entries allowedbut only a team of 4 players is allowed to participate in this competition.
However, unlike the “Large Run” event, players can only participate in the “Large Run” of the Mr. Xiong Chamber of Commerce during the event period, but they can continue as usualgeneral part-time job
If it is difficult to find a team to join, then unfortunately you will not be able to participate in this “Team Work Competition”, but you can look forward to participating in the next time, so hone your skills in your usual part-time job!

increased risk
Splatoon Official Twitter

Regarding the content of the “Team Work Competition”, there is another announcement.
Since the “Team Work Competition” will be held in a fixed part-time job scene,So the risk level at the beginning of each WAVE has been determinedbut if delivered in each WAVEGold salmon eggs greatly exceeded the number specified in the mission,SoThe danger of the next WAVE will increase
When the performance of wage earners exceeds expectations, the difficulty of the next WAVE will be greatly increased. Does this mean that Mr. Xiong is a habitual boss?
Although this is aChance to earn a lot of golden salmon roebut also arisking life at workso cheer up and work hard to be a social animal!
For details regarding “Salmon Run NEXT WAVE”, please see“Spratun 3” Official Site



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