FPÖ – Hafenecker: “ORF-NÖ investigation report must be published immediately – stop the cover-up!” Liberal Parliament Club

ORF compulsory fee payers have a right to know the whole truth regarding the black media manipulation scandal

Vienna (OTS) “For almost ten weeks now, ORF Director General Weißmann has been keeping the investigative report on the Ziegler case on his desk like a state secret. This makes the necessary processing of the scandal surrounding the ORF-NÖ, which was converted into the ÖVP propaganda station, degenerate into a farce. The cover-up must therefore end immediately! The ORF compulsory fee payers and – according to the will of Black-Green – future ORF compulsory tax payers have a right to know the whole truth,” FPÖ media spokesman and Secretary General NAbg renewed today. Christian Hafenecker, MA his demand for publication of the report of the ORF internal evaluation commission.

The influencing of the reporting of the ORF-NÖ in favor of the ÖVP that came to light is a “case of manipulation unprecedented in the media history of this country” that requires a complete investigation. “With the departure of Robert Ziegler as state director to a new top post at Küniglberg, this scandal cannot simply be drawn a line under, even if this is obviously what the ORF boardroom wants. Because the very fact that they fear a report publication there, like the proverbial ‘devil gives holy water’, only shows what explosive content it must have!”

The unacceptable reticence of the investigation report is also a symbol of the massive aloofness of the ORF management team. “There you have lost every generator. On the one hand, these privilege knights want to dig even deeper into the wallets of the citizens with the household levy, and on the other hand they want to wrap the cloak of silence regarding how deep the manipulative influence of reporting by government representatives actually is. The ORF therefore needs a real reform and no lavish income from a compulsory tax!”, Hafenecker explained and referred to the free online petition “No to the ORF compulsory tax – Yes to objectivity and thrift!” can be.

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press-parliament club@fpoe.at



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