After Costco purchases, “one less action” is miserable and overpays the wronged money. The sufferer feels: I have encountered N times | Villagers exploded to see | Oops

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After the original PO checked out the bill and looked at the consumption details, he found that one of the products had been purchased too much, and he was not the person involved in the news. Schematic / Link…

Costco, an American-style store, has a wide range of items on sale, and many consumers are used to making big one-off purchases. However, a netizen posted a message on Facebook, saying that he would not check the consumption details after paying the bill before, but this time he found that one of the products had been swiped four times more, and he almost had to pay more. After the exposure, it also sparked discussions, and many sufferers were very impressed.

Yesterday (12) a netizen posted on the Facebook group “Costco product experience to be honest”post, the original PO revealed that after Costco purchased and settled the bill, he headed towards the underground parking lot as usual. As a result, when he took the escalator, he suddenly found some abnormalities in the consumption details. The original PO pointed out that he only bought two sets of walnut milk, but was overcharged by four sets, so he went to the counter to deal with it, wasting half an hour back and forth. In this regard, the original PO kindly reminds everyone that when you go to any store for consumption, you must check the consumption details after checkout, so as not to be taken advantage of.

The bottom of the post attracted a lot of responses, and many netizens said, “I’m used to checking the bill first, no matter where I go to spend it, it’s the same.” , “As long as there are people, there may be human error. It is king to look at the details after buying something.” “I have calculated the amount before checking out. If the amount does not match at checkout, there is a problem.” .

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There are also sufferers who share similar experiences, “I was played like this a few years ago. It happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival. I ran twice in traffic jams and traffic jams. I was so tired that I couldn’t even swear.”, “Really Pay attention! I have N times of experience, and I have encountered the wrong number of sets and products”, “I was charged with an extra set of diapers for more than 2,000 yuan last time… I will carefully look at the details afterwards”, “It’s okay! I Last time, an extra suitcase worth more than 4,000 yuan was charged.”

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