Macron assures that he has not changed his position on Taiwan

Macron assures that he has not changed his position on Taiwan


The president reiterated that France shares the European position on the situation between Beijing and Taipei, following giving some statements on the subject that caused controversy.

The President of France, Emmanuel Macronassured this Wednesday (04.12.2023) that “it has not changed” its position on taiwan, and that it continues to support the need to seek a “peaceful solution” that avoids “any escalation” of tensions. Likewise, he maintained that being an “ally” of the United States does not mean being its “vassal”, following distancing himself from Washington on the Beijing-Taipei tensions.

The French leader, on an official visit to the Netherlands, explained at a press conference in Amsterdam that he will not “contribute to the verbal escalation” on the Chinese situation with Taiwan and warned that France “does not support provocation.” He added that Paris is “for the status quo” in this case and supports a “peaceful solution” in that Far East conflict.

“The French position is the same as that of Europe for Taiwan. Our position has not changed, and it is the search for a peaceful solution. That is what I told President (American Joe) Biden,” he said. “Being an ally it does not mean being a vassal. Being an ally does not mean that we do not have the right to think for ourselves,” he added, regarding eventual disagreements with the United States.

“Brilliant decision,” says China

The French president has received numerous criticism these days for his alleged change of position on Taiwan in an interview published on Sunday in the newspaper The echoesfollowing his state visit to China, in which he opted for Europe to follow its own “rhythm” instead of following Washington’s position towards China and relations with Taiwan.

“The worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should be followers and adapt to the American rhythm and a Chinese overreaction,” Macron said in that interview. His remarks were welcomed by pro-government Chinese media, calling them a “brilliant decision.” In the West they caused controversy due to the distance expressed in this way with respect to the United States, Taiwan’s main military ally.

In addition, with Chinese military planes and ships approaching the island in the midst of exercises that simulated an invasion, Macron’s words were interpreted as a change of position regarding Taiwan. China regards Taiwan as a rogue province and part of its territory, which it intends to recapture even by force if necessary.




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