Hard internal criticism of Máximo Kirchner: “There are five more points of poverty, we did not come to this”

The national deputy and head of the Buenos Aires Justicialista Party, maximum kirchnerreiterated this Wednesday, April 12, his claim in front of all to discuss where Argentina is going and considered that “poverty and indigence numbers” are for rethink the course of management.

“The numbers of poverty and indigence really make us rethink why we are here,” emphasized the national legislator, in a new criticism of the administration led by the president Alberto Fernandez.

In this sense, he pointed out: “I looked at the poverty numbers for the second semester of 2022 in the city of Trelew, with 40 points and in 2019, with 39.5… There are five more points —of poverty— between 2018 and 2022. The Frente de Todos did not come to this.”

Máximo Kirchner: “Néstor was lucky to have Alfonsín as an opponent, Cristina had Macri”

Máximo Kirchner maintained that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) “brings people to their knees“And he questioned:” The results we have today are lousy, but hey, if you made a mistake, let’s get to work for the people.

“The Argentina is a country that seems to have entered a slide on December 9, 2015 and it seems that it never finds the sandboxit seems that he was in free fall and that it cost everything,” he said.

The head of the Buenos Aires PJ expressed himself in this way when accompanying the candidate of the Frente de Todos for mayor of Trelew, Emanuel Coliñir, at the closing of the campaign for the elections next Sunday.

Maximum Kirchner.

“The frustrations that we go through as a society, which are also part of the strong internal debate that exists in the Frente de Todos to understand and know where we should go, is part of the fact that society has to get involved and participate. If society relegates its place will not be able to change the future,” he said.

Máximo Kirchner criticized the liberal and anti-political proposals

When making an analysis of the current reality, Máximo Kirchner issued a warning regarding the risks of voting for liberal proposals like the ones he leads Javier Miley.

“Argentine society if it falls into the anti-political temptation the results will be what you already had when you agreed to that temptation. It is true that You have the right to feel frustrated, angry, but what you never have the right to do is stop caring regarding the fate of your country.“, evaluated the national deputy.

Máximo Kirchner, protagonist of a strong cross between Santiago Maratea and Carlos Maslatón

Regarding the fights in the Frente de Todos, the leader of La Cámpora expressed: “When they hear that she is an intern for power, it is a lie. If we bank on everything with macrismo, the persecution, the sticks, it is to fight. It was not to tell the Argentines that we cannot, but to give all the fights and not settle for this situation that we are going through under the umbrella that (Mauricio) Macri does not have to return, or that Cambiemos cannot return.

“That mediocrity cannot be the one that leads us to think and design a different Argentina, we want to really discuss within,” Máximo Kirchner remarked from Trelew, adding: “The discussion that is going through us is where we are going as a country, so that the numbers close with the people inside.”


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