Motorcycles lead the ranking of deaths from traffic accidents

He transit in Argentina continues to be marked by an extensive history of road accidents. The motorcycles they get the worst of it. Even in a pandemic, during the year 2020, these smaller vehicles were the ones that caused the most deaths in the national territory: of the 10 fatalities daily for road accidents, 4 correspond to motorcycle occupants.

As established by “Thinking Health”, a website dedicated exclusively to statistics and good health practices, traffic accidents are positioned within the top 5 causes of deaths in the country, occupying the 4th place.

During 2022, according to Let’s Fight for Life, deaths from this cause were 6.184. The figure is far from that previously reported by the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV), which according to the agency was 3,828 fatalities.

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According to my data analysis, one of the reasons for the underreporting of the official state agency is that it includes only the victims at the scene of the crime and the NGO also covers the victims. deceased within 30 days of the accident.

It is estimated that some 2000 people did not die instantlyalthough the association’s data is not official and has not yet been confirmed by the Federal Road Safety Council (CFSV).

Despite the fact that the records differ, both agree on the marked decrease in claims during 2020, of 28%.

After the quarantine period, the numbers increased, although they do not reach the figures for 2019.

Causes of traffic accidents

The cell phone and excess alcohol are the main causes of road accidents in the country.

The reasons that cause an accident are not only due to a bad maneuver or a simple fact of “bad luck”. There are many factors that must be taken into account and that converge when establishing the causes of a road accident.

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In general, the causes are:

  • he human error (89.5%), followed by
  • the middle (8.8%)
  • the condition of the vehicle (1.6%)

This confirms that in most cases “accidents” are the fault of the driver: either due to some negligent attitude, a distraction or one’s own inexperience.

The main cause of road accidents in Argentina is the cell phone use.

Another factor that has a high degree of implication is alcohol. One in every 4 road accidents there is the presence of alcohol, stipulated Road Safety of the Argentine Nation.

Other determining factors; is the lack of security features, either lights, refractory vest and helmet. These are lacking of great regularity in national motorcyclists.

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