Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder and financial backer of Wagner, has urged the Russian community to contribute to the country’s war efforts in Ukraine. In an audio recording shared on his official Telegram channel, Prigozhin, also known as “Putin’s Chef”, called for the mobilization of society, including simple workers, to support the cause. He criticized officials who had fled the country with their wealth and said the “system” needed to change. The Russian government denies the war in Ukraine, referring to it as a “special military operation”. The Kremlin introduced a new law to prevent Russians recruited into the conflict from leaving the country.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) — Wagner founder and financier Yevgeny Prigozhin has called for the mobilization of the entire Russian community, saying that people are ready to contribute to Moscow’s war effort in Ukraine.
In response to Russia’s new conscription law, Prigozhin, known as “Putin’s Chef,” added in an audio recording posted on his official Telegram channel: “Not only those who advance to the front must be mobilized, but the whole of society, starting with simple workers who are already ready for this. the operation”.
He added, “When we travel to the regions, our recruits see that people are ready to mobilize and understand that there is a war going on for Russia’s very existence.”
Unlike Prigozhin, the Russian government continues to deny that it has waged war in Ukraine, referring to the conflict as a “special military operation”.
The new law, introduced by the Kremlin, aims to tighten rules on Russians who have been recruited into the conflict, to prevent them from leaving the country.
The Wagner leader criticized Russian officials who fled the country with their wealth and said the “system” needed to wake up.
“Why don’t we want to clean up this anthill that has been created over the years and that has transformed from a community of people who are ready to develop something in this country, into a community of people who are only interested in their own well-being?”
Prigozhin’s call for the mobilization of the entire Russian community highlights the ongoing tension and conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Despite the Russian government denying its involvement in the conflict, Prigozhin’s comments strongly suggest otherwise. As the Kremlin tightens its grip on its citizens, the situation remains tense and uncertain. Whether or not the wider Russian community will answer Prigozhin’s call remains to be seen, but it is clear that the situation in Ukraine remains a flashpoint in the region.