this increase planned by Pôle Emploi, good news! – Tuxboard

In April, all aid from CAF was upgraded. Unemployment benefits have also been increased.

Who says April, says revaluation of CAF aid and unemployment benefits. This year once more, all social benefits are revised upwards. A great opportunity.

CAF, unemployment benefit… these aids revised upwards

If the adage “in April don’t discover yourself with a thread” is true, from the side state aid, it is quite the opposite. Indeed, this month, unemployment benefits have increased.

In 2022, INSEE figures suggest that the unemployment rate is, in the 4th quarter of 2022, at 7.2% of the active population in France. This means that this rate is down slightly by 0.1 point compared to the previous quarter.

According to the government, the unemployment rate is therefore the lowest that France has known for 40 years. The general secretary of the party, Stéphane Séjourné thus shared the good news on social media.

To do this, he shared figures provided by Pôle Emploi. In the process, the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, also shared the good news on social networks.

“Unemployment rate hits 40-year low once reached in early 2008”, he said. The Prime Minister, for her part, also quoted Pôle Emploi in his tweet.

Increased aid

“With an unemployment rate of 7.2%, France is experiencing its lowest level of unemployment for the second time in 40 years”she said, quoting Pôle Emploi. Despite everything, unemployment benefits have been revised upwards.

Although this increase is not spectacular, it deserves to exist. In France, unemployed people can benefit from aid from Pôle Emploi.

Job seekers who receive unemployment benefits are classified into four categories: A, B, C and D. Depending on the category in which they belong, they have duties and obligations.

Category D, for example, brings together unemployed people, not immediately available. They therefore do not have to look for work.

This decision was made on Friday March 24 during an exceptional Unédic board meeting. Thus, the return-to-work assistance allowance (ARE) paid by Pôle emploi has been increased twice this year.

In addition to an annual revaluation on July 1, a 1.9% revaluation took effect April 1 to take inflation into account.

Unemployment benefits increased in 2023

This revaluation represents an additional €19 per month. Add to that, there will be a second upgrade legal on July 1, 2023.

Thus, the minimum unemployment benefit increases to €31 per day, once morest €30.42 previously. And that’s not all. The fixed part of the ARE, which is added to the variable part of the allowance, equal to 40.4% of the basic daily salary, goes to 1€2.71 per day compensated, compared to €12.47 previously.

Those who are affected by the minimum allocation of the ARE-F therefore learn that it goes to €22.19 per day, once morest €21.78 previously.

The floor relating to the application of the degressivity coefficient is raised to €89.32 gross, once morest €87.65 previously. Note that these increases concern regarding 2 million people.

The revaluation of the unemployment allowance, for its part, will benefit more than 88% of jobseekers compensated by Unemployment insurance on 1 April 2023, i.e. approximately 1,980,000 million people.

“This follows a collective initiative by trade unions which, in the face of galloping inflation and the decline in the purchasing power of job seekersrequested and obtained this re-evaluation”welcomed Force Ouvrière in a press release.



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