MBN ‘Burning Trotman’ Seo Hye-jin PD “How do you look at Hwang Young-woong?” |

MBN filed a complaint for ‘Push Hwang Young-woong’ <불타는 트롯맨>On the 11th, the Broadcasting Subcommittee of the Korea Communications Standards Commission (Security Commission) decided on a ‘recommendation’ corresponding to administrative guidance following a statement of opinion. It is not a legal sanction that can be a deductible factor in the broadcaster re-approval review.

MBN <불타는 트롯맨>In the case of participants, if the lyrics were wrong, the wrong part was highlighted with colored subtitles, but if Hwang Young-woong got the lyrics wrong, or if a team member of the group including Hwang Young-woong got the lyrics wrong, the wrong parts were not highlighted with colored subtitles, so the broadcast was biased. A complaint was filed with the Vigilance Board.

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▲ MBN ‘Burning Trotman’ January 10 broadcast screen capture.

For example, on the January 10th broadcast, when Mr. Hwang sang ‘Binjige’, he incorrectly called “the love of the past” as “the person of the past”, and on the February 14th broadcast, Mr. Son Tae-jin, who is on the same team as Mr. It was mistakenly called “It’s been floated” as “It’s already been raised to the sea”, and “This person once more” was called “This love once more”, but the subtitles didn’t point out the wrong part. In response, the Broadcasting Subcommittee decided on the statement of opinion on the 28th of last month by applying Article 14 of the Broadcasting Review Regulations in violation of objectivity.

<불타는 트롯맨> Producer Seo Hye-jin, CEO of Crea Studio, attended an opinion statement on the 11th and acknowledged, “There are facts in the lyrics that are wrong,” but “the parts that the judges did not point out were treated with white subtitles as the singer sang. (In the case of other singers), when she was pointed out by the judges, she treated it with red subtitles to help viewers understand,” she said. Regarding the suspicion of looking following Hwang Young-woong, “How do you look at Hwang Young-woong? Hwang Young-woong, she has an agency, and she is just a contestant,” she replied.

Committee member Kim Yu-jin (recommended by President Moon Jae-in) asked, “There are objective lyrics, but even if the judges (lyrics) are wrong, some are passed over, and some are considered deduction factors. In response, CEO Seo Hye-jin replied once more, “Whether or not to deduct points depended on the judgment of the judges.” Even if the subtitles are wrong, if the judges did not reflect them in the score, they did not process the subtitles.

Representative Seo Hye-jin added, “If the score was given low, we subtitled it to help viewers understand.” I will try to reduce misunderstandings,” he said. Yu Woong, head of MBN’s production management department, who attended together, did not reveal any particular position.

Commissioner Kim Woo-seok (recommendation of the power of the people) said, “(In the statement of opinion), I agree to a large extent. The jury’s subjectivity is natural, so there is no big problem (in this matter).” Commissioner Kim Woo-seok said, “Music is regarding feeling, but even if the lyrics are wrong, I don’t think it’s wrong if the feeling is sufficiently conveyed.”

On the other hand, committee member Kim Yu-jin said, “It seems difficult to see that the lyrics were deliberately treated discriminatoryly in order to encourage certain performers. However, in such a contest program, viewers who support the performers are sensitive to even the smallest things, so caution is needed.” Sub-Chairman Lee Kwang-bok (recommended by the National Assembly Speaker) also said, “If you listen to the explanation process (producer), you can understand it, but anyway, it is enough to raise suspicions that it is exceptionally applied only to certain people. There was a possibility of misunderstanding” and gave the opinion of’recommendation’. In the end, 3 out of 5 reviewers expressed their opinions of ‘recommendation’ and the decision was made as ‘recommendation’.

On the other hand, on the 26th of last month, a complaint was filed with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency requesting an investigation into the suspicion of Hwang Young-woong’s internal affairs and obstruction of business in connection with preferential treatment. <불타는 트롯맨> On the 28th of last month, the production team said, “There is no fact that a specific person was unofficially appointed or ranked in the program recruitment process.” Hwang dropped out of the program due to controversy over school violence.



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