While in most of the lakes in Río Negro and Neuquén, the fishing season is passing its last days, in the Laguna Blanca National Park, 36 kilometers from Zapala, it has just begun. These days, everyone arrives warm and with their reeds to the water mirror, in front of the Chachil hill, in search of their perch, to enjoy the pure air in contact with nature.
Winter fishing is one of the attractions of this wetland, an ideal place to go with the family and for the boys to make their first weapons in the specialty and from April 1 to October 31, 2023, the fishing season will be open.
This is a little-known park in Neuquén that hides the wild magic of the Patagonian steppe. Ancient volcanic cones, desert landscapes and a huge lagoon with aquatic and migratory birds make it a must, also for lovers of bird watching.
As far as fishing is concerned, they go looking for perch, an exotic fish for this ecosystem. It is native to Patagonia, but it was introduced in the 1940s and then in the 1960s, and the population grew a lot, endangering the local species. With recreational fishing, the control of the species is sought.
The objective is to recover the conditions that give the lagoon a wetland of international importance. That’s why it’s fishing with retirement and they can take it but they must vicerate in their houses.
Remember that you have to previously acquire the fishing permit at www.cazaypesca.com.ar and it is the fisherman’s responsibility to read and know the Fishing Regulation 2022/2023 at It is forbidden to enter the lagoon. The water is cold and very deep without lifeguard service.
Recommendations to go to Laguna Blanca National Park
– The development of nautical recreational activities (rowing or motor boats, windsurfing, kayaking, etc.) extensively in the Laguna Blanca is not allowed. Por the great presence of birds, which have a high conservation value. With 11,000 hectares, it has the same bird species as parks that are 20 times larger.
– Respect fishing access areas and do not cross wire fences.
– Registration of hikers and campers at the visitor center is mandatory. Although the area has garbage cans, we always recommend that visitors return with their waste.
– It is recommended that the visitor use the toilets of the Nomades Visitor Center.
– To make a fire a heater is ideal. If you don’t have one, make a fire in the camping area,
only site enabled. It is not allowed to extract firewood.
– Remember to bring drinking water, The water in the lagoons is brackish and not suitable for human consumption. The area does not have a grocery store. The visitor must provide himself with all the supplies.
– The extremely arid conditions of the Patagonian steppe limit the growth of vegetation, so do not remove the rocks due to the presence of arachnids. If you find dead birds, do not touch them and inform the Park staff.
– It is not allowed to enter the protected area with pets. Follow the park ranger’s recommendations. Avoid fines.
– Drive only on authorized roads. Use only authorized parking areas
to access the lagoon.
– Queries: WhatsApp: 2942-665085. National Laguna Blanca [email protected]. ADMINISTRATION OF NATIONAL PARKS argentina.gob.ar/parquesnacionales. Headquarters: Av. Rivadavia 1475 (CP 1033) Buenos Aires, Argentina
How to get there and move
The entrance to the park is on RP 46, 230 km from the City of Neuquén and 36 km from Zapala (all paved).
There are no buses that reach the park gate, so it is better to go by car, take a taxi or take a tour from Zapala.
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