Her name is Odalis Martinez. At only 25, she became pregnant with two girls. During an ultrasound, the young woman learns that she was expecting twins like no other! The conception took place at different times during the same week. The first baby would have been conceived on the last day of her menstrual cycle and the second five days later… Surprising isn’t it?
“It was a very pleasant surprise!”
SO ? Does superfetation speak to you? This is when a second egg is released while a pregnancy is in progress. Both are fertilized by different sperm. Like a normal twin pregnancy! This is the experience experienced by the young Odalis who says she was surprised to learn the good news. “After a miscarriage, learning that I had two babies was wonderful!”, Says the young mother in a statement. His family, surprised to learn it, did not know how it might happen…
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I really felt lucky!
They had dreamed of starting their own family since their marriage in 2020. Odalis and Antonia were expecting their first child when they learned that the young woman had suffered a miscarriage following 12 weeks. But that did not discourage the couple, who made a second attempt a few months later. Result: the pregnancy test was positive! “I felt really lucky. I know many people who have tried to conceive but failed,” says the very grateful young mother. “I was so scared to hear that there were no heartbeats.” “But when the doctor told me the news, I was crying with happiness.” The confused doctor and nurse reassured the young girl. Odalis did not hesitate to share his experience through a video on TikTok which has more than 1.5 million views.
Real twins? Not really…
Finally, the two babies were born on the same day: August 10, 2021. It’s a real “miracle”, said the mother of little girls Lilo and Imelda.
“I just felt like there was so much light following such a dark place. It was the best surprise ever. It was a very beautiful moment to finally be able to hold them in my arms, ”said the mother.
Although they were designed a few days apart, the twins look alike like two drops of water. To avoid having to explain this unique experience to those around her, Odalis prefers to tell people that they are identical twins. “As it can be confusing for people, I answer by saying: yes they are twins”. Everyone thinks they are the same but that’s not quite true! Once Antonio had kept Imelda for an hour thinking it was Lilo. “When I heard him say ‘Oh Lilo’, I told him he had Imelda. He reacted by saying “What?”
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Back to superfetation, an extremely rare phenomenon…
According to the website healthline, cases of superfetation occur in women who are undergoing fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). This is a very unlikely and unique situation. Because, once a woman becomes pregnant, the cervix forms a plug of mucus that blocks the passage of sperm. Symptoms? There is none… A doctor can determine a superfetation by observing the development of the twins… They evolve at different rates inside the uterus.
Complications? Yes, sometimes the second baby is born prematurely. This often results in difficulty breathing, low birth weight, problems with coordination, movement and feeding. As for the mother, she may experience complications such as high blood pressure, preeclampsia or gestational diabetes.
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